Ian POV ⚠️

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Trigger warning
I finished wrapping Keith's legs. He said nothing at all. I looked at Shayne, who looked sad. We all look sad. We all look scared.
Courtney the most. Courtney looked depressed, but was hiding her fear the best. Now she is anyways.

I saw the stick figure monster also. When it slammed me, I got a good look at it. It does kind of look like Slenderman, and it said, something about Edward. And there's no Edward with us.
And then when Shayne was explaining his story, he said something about his name being Axel. So there was three names, all of which has nothing to with us. Noah said his name is Derek. I heard something about Edward, and then Shayne says his name is Axel.
We all still sat in the lobby. Except for Noah and Courtney, they're in the living room behind us. We had strict orders not to let Olivia see Courtney until we're all ready.
I felt so worried for Courtney. Everybody's saying, oh Courtney? You killed me and tortured me, yeah, you did.
I just want to leave and make Courtney feel safe and better.
Shayne and Keith told us their stories. Shayne died of blood loss, because Courtney came into the room he was in, and kept shooting him. He showed us where he got shot, about 30 times simultaneously. And then, when he was getting mauled, because Anthony and I couldn't hold onto him for very long. Shayne said that she pulled another gun on him, but didn't shoot, she kept hitting him.
Keith was slit in his neck by surprise surprise, Courtney's imposter.
But I remember what it felt like, seeing Courtney walk into the room, I felt more comfortable as soon as I laid eyes on her, until a few moments later, when she began the torture.
"He spoke to me, the guy," Keith spoke up. He were quiet, listening to Courtney's cries in the other room. "He said, 'scream Teddy when your ready to give her up'."
"Teddy?" Shayne repeated.
"Yeah, that must be his name," Keith assumed.
"No, we've been calling him Derek,"
"I didn't hear him very well, but he said Edward,"
"Axel, his name is Axel,"
"He said Teddy, I don't know, he just said scream Teddy,"
"What the hell? How much of them are there?" Anthony asked rhetorically.
"Do you think Courtney's heard anything about it?"
"Let's ask," I suggested, standing up from the spot I was sitting at on the floor in the lobby.
I walked inside the living room first. Courtney was still crying, with her hands around Noah. Her back was facing us, as she sat on the couch.
"Courtney?" I called. She turned around, she looked scared of us.
"Don't- you can't be in here! I don't wanna hurt you, please," she begged. She stood up and was trying to back away.
"Olivia's not with us yet, it's ok, we all, we've, experienced it already Courtney, we just have some questions,"
"You're gonna get killed again,"
"We didn't die, we wouldn't be standing here,"
"But you did die," she sobbed.
"We just have some questions Courtney please," I asked. Noah stood in front of her, she held onto his shoulders and stuffed her face into his back.
"Anthony, can you stay near the door, watch out for Olivia?" He asked. He turned around and spoke quietly to Courtney. Anthony obliged.
"Sit down guys," Noah told us. We sat on the smaller couches. Courtney sat down also, looking at everyone. She had her hair pulled back, her shirt was dirty but I don't think we really cared about our clothes at this point.
"Courtney? Did the man ever say anything about his name?"
"He said his name was Derek, that's what Noah told me," she replied.
"To me, he said Edward, I don't remember the context, but I heard Edward specifically," I explained to her.
"And I heard Axel, he told me, Axel," Shayne spoke up.
"But just before, he was saying Teddy, loud and clear, scream Teddy if-" Keith started to say, he stopped his sentence when he realized what it meant and who he was talking to. Courtney nodded along, she stared confused at Keith.
"If what?" She asked. She finally looked like she stopped crying, but then she has to hear this news.
"If-if we want to, if we're ready to give you up," Keith finished, he sounded guilty.
"Are, are, did you call for him?" She asked blandly.
"We'd never do that to you Courtney," Anthony spoke from the door. He was paying attention to the conversation, ready to back everyone up.
"But you want to?" She asked, trying to get something straight, but she was currently crooked.
"No Courtney," Keith clarified. Noah tugged in her sleeve.
"Courtney," he urged, extending her name.
"Would you?" She asked, slowly standing up.
"No, we don't want to, and we won't, Courtney, ever," Anthony spoke up again.
"But if I was somewhere, locked in a room, and you guys were ready to go-"
"No! We won't leave you, we won't let the guy take you,"
"And say, you guys are on the verge of death, and then a food truck slowly drives by, would you scream his name, and run to the truck?" She asked, giving us a very odd situation.
"No, I'd starve, I'd get tortured, I'd go through a thousand deaths if you have to too,"
"Olivia!" Anthony yelled. He had moved from the door, and was standing beside the couch, trying to convince Courtney.
Noah stood up and pushed Courtney out of the way. Courtney toppled over, Anthony ran in front of Olivia, but she pushed him aside and walked in.
"Olivia stop!" Noah called.
Olivia must have caught a glimpse of Courtney, because her eyes shifted, between fear and anger.
"No! Courtney! You hurt me already! Twice!" Olivia shouted, walking towards her. But she stopped and looked at what we thought was Noah, because she was facing him. She was looking at something we couldn't see. She was gonna get hurt. Anthony tried to grab her arm because he was the closest. He grabbed it and tugged her back toward him. Olivia still looked mad at supposedly Courtney. Anthony wrapped his arms around her waist and held onto her.
"Stop it Anthony," she warned.
Noah tried laying down beside Courtney, who was still on the ground. I couldn't see her, because she was behind the coffee table. Noah could move from his spot though. It looked like he held onto something though, so he probably was still within reach of her.
"Noah!" I heard Courtney yell questioningly.
"Courtney? What is it? What's wrong?" Noah asked immediately. I looked over to Anthony and Olivia. He was still holding onto her, while Olivia's hand and leg was being tugged on, in separate directions, she looked so in pain.
"Noah! Stop it!" Courtney trilled.
"Courtney, I don't want to let you go," Noah explained. But that wasn't what she was talking about. Courtney was then picked up by what must have been Derek, or whatever his name was. She was slammed against the wall.
"Courtney!" Noah kept calling. It looked like he was crying now. Olivia was whimpering, she was now only being tugged by her arms, but Anthony kept a strong hold on her. Noah was desperately trying to move from his spot to get to Courtney. She was holding onto something around her neck, and kept getting slammed onto the wall.
Olivia was finally left alone, but her arm now had vertical cuts and long brown bruises marked on her forearm. Anthony did his best to lay her down, but he was still being restrained. We were all still restrained, because Courtney's demon hasn't let up. She looked almost passed out. She was laying on the floor, she was just dropped from the wall. Her leg was picked up and she was suddenly dragged forward. I thought I heard a crack so I shielded my eyes. There was no crackling noise, except the floorboard being creaked. Courtney was flipped into the air, landing on her tummy, she hit her chin against the floor.
I felt gravity lessen, and Noah was first to rush to Courtney's side. I was behind him, and Shayne was behind me. Anthony cared to Olivia and so did Keith.
"Courtney?" Noah lifted her head, and gently laid her onto her back. "Courtney?" He asked again. He checked her pulse.
"Her hearts beating, she's still breathing," Noah announced. Anthony tossed a pillow to us.
Olivia's head was resting on Anthony's lap. She looked to be sleeping, but she was breathing so heavily, she must've been just resting her eyes, trying to recover.
I had an idea and got up to get the first aid kit from the lobby where we left it.
Surely, Olivia's arms were bleeding so I tended to her first. It was just her arms that were harmed at all. Anthony held onto her, and kept her injuries to a minimum. Which was great, so Olivia has been mainly protected besides the unfortunate two deaths she's faced, out of everyone only having one.
"Courtney?" Noah tried to wake her. She was still passed out. He kept checking her pulse, making sure she's still with us. She stayed, we just weren't sure where she was.
"Olivia?" Keith asked.
"Yeah?" She replied, breathlessly.
"Are you ok?" Anthony asked immediately. She nodded. She rested her arm on her forehead, with her eyes still closed.
"Courtney?" I asked, hoping for the same reaction. I didn't get a reply. We laid her on the couch. Noah sat on the floor in front of her spot.

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