Courtney POV

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I woke up on the floor. Nobody was near me. It seemed that way. It scared me, because I was still at the cabin. I sat up, and looked around the room. I wasn't in the living room. I wanted to be in the living room. I got up, and wiped some tears on my face. I've been crying a lot in the last day. I wiped my face, before realizing what was on my hands. I smudged blood onto my face instead of wiping tears. There was blood on my hands.
I stood up, and looked around the room. I only know this room, from a nightmare. A vision actually.
I looked around the room, I saw where Noah gets killed, in the corner of the room from my vision. I felt an attraction to the spot. I walked over, and stood in the corner, like a kid who's did something wrong. Except, this kid was gonna die. I saw Noah, I saw how the stick figure, in the form of me, walk over to him. He was trying to get away from the stick monster. Except, he chose to hide in a room with no windows. I saw myself walk up, tap him on the shoulder, and smile at her, the stick figure. She smiled at me. She saw me. She looked into my eyes, and got enraged. I stepped out of the way, and she was going off onto Noah. When she turned into a monster. I heard Noah's scream. Then I saw his death. The stick figure, it turned around, and walked past me. Except, it's long arm, dragged along me as it past. It's claw cut my arm. I looked at it. It was gonna go away when someone else comes. I signed.
I walked towards the door, leaving. I looked back at Noah's dead body. But instead, just a shadow. There's no body yet. When I left the room, I went to the lobby. Near the door. I was gonna wait in the living room for someone. I didn't know where everyone was, Keith and Olivia were supposed to watch over me as I slept. Then I woke up in a strange room, and forgot what fear was.

I entered the room, about to sit down, when I heard a crashing noise somewhere out of the room.
"Courtney!" I heard.
"Hello?!" I called back. Ian, Anthony, Shayne and Keith ran inside.
"Where's Olivia! What did you do to Olivia!" Anthony yelled at me. He looked pissed off. He looked scared.
"I didn't do anything to her, I don't know where she is," I replied, I suddenly felt fear, like it was injected inside of me. I looked around the room, then at my arms. Where everyone was staring.
"You killed her!" Anthony screamed. He ran towards me and pushed me to the ground. I felt that way more than I should have this past day. I've been shoved already, which leads to more pain.
"No!" I screamed. I kept screaming at Anthony. "Leave me alone!" I screeched. Anthony grabbed my shoulders, and threw me towards the wall.
"Stop! I didn't do nothing! I didn't touch her!"
He gripped my forearm, where the blood was.
"You liar!" He squeezed my forearm, and then my neck.
"Courtney, Courtney, shhh, it's ok, we're here," I heard suddenly. I was laying on the floor, Ian hushed me. Keith and Shayne were by my side too. Anthony stood shocked.
"Courtney?" He called my name. I heard that the loudest despite him speaking low, and everyone else talking louder. I grabbed my neck, inspecting it. I felt something, when it grabbed there.
"You have a bruise around your neck," Ian informed. His eyes were wide, something had really tried to choke me.
"Courtney, I- I didn't mean to push you, I- I'm sorry," Anthony said to me. He kneeled next to me. He tried looking into my eyes. I didn't want to look at them, afraid to see the anger and then the pain again.
"You really pushed me?" I asked. Unsure if it was the monster, or Anthony's own motives.
"I didn't mean to, I-I was mad, you, we saw what you did to Olivia," he said. "And then, you started getting hurt by something invisible, and I couldn't help you. You were screaming my name."
"I didn't do anything to Olivia, I last saw her before I fell asleep," I explained.
"No, we saw you from outside, you pushed Olivia, and then choked her, to-to death,"
"I choked her?" I asked. I choked her, and then something tried to choke me? I felt the bruises on my neck again.
"What did you see? Tell me what happened when I fell asleep," I commanded.
"Ian and I, we're planning on how we're gonna get us out of here, we thought, if you just pass out, we wanted to see if you'd wake up, if we just kept going," Anthony explained. He kept looking at me, so I stared at the floor.
"And then, since you were already asleep, we thought, would something happen if we just went on the road?"
"Keith already left the room to stop us, along with Shayne, and we ran outside to the road, we stepped on it, and the door slammed shut and locked us out, we checked he window, and we saw Olivia pass out, we saw you throw her to the ground and choke her. We saw her die, and we watched you just leave the room, so we started trying to break every window, to get inside. We broke the kitchen window," Ian finished. He paused sometimes, staring at me, picking at his memories.
"I shouldn't have left Courtney, she's dead because of me," Keith said. His eyes were glassy and red.
"I shouldn't have went to the road,"
"I shouldn't have followed, I should've stayed and watched you,"
"I shouldn't have-"
"Stop it, I killed her, shut up," I snapped. I felt a pang of annoyance. I felt angered. I waved them off and stood up. I looked at my hands.
"Where's the blood?" I asked, my hands were now clean of blood.
"When you were getting choked, they disappeared." Anthony told me. I went towards the lobby, when I heard someone coughing violently.
"Who's that?" I called. I heard the boys follow behind me. We followed the noise when we saw Olivia crawling out of the closet.
"Olivia!" Anthony sighed, running up to her. Everyone ran up to her, Anthony picked her up and brought to the living on the couches.
"You died though," Keith told her, exasperated.
"I know," Olivia gasped. "I felt it, I felt myself getting choked, you have a strong grip by the way, and then I just woke up in the closet," Olivia explained. Looking at me. She suddenly saw something, and her face changed to fear as she saw something that wasn't me.
"Courtney! Courtney, stop it!" She screamed suddenly, Anthony held onto her, keeping her in place. Everyone else turned to me, looking for whatever Olivia saw. I looked at everyone, trying to show them that I wasn't doing anything. I remembered when Noah looked at me, and got mad. I thought about when he dragged me around, and kicked me. I lost my balance. I fell onto my ass, I looked at Anthony and Olivia.
He was trying to hold her, and she was getting tugged by something. She was looking at the wall, but to her, something was there.
"Courtney! Stop it! You already killed me!" She screamed. I felt dizzy. I didn't kill her. I felt the need to say that.
"Help me!" She screamed. She woke up after she shouted my name. She was panting. Anthony held onto her, she didn't feel any pain because Anthony didn't let her get dragged away.
"Olivia, it's ok, you're here with us," Anthony soothed her. She looked around. She saw me and avoided eye contact. I don't blame her.
I was still sitting on the floor, I had my legs spread out and was leaning back on my arms. Listening to Olivia explain that I was laughing manically at her, trying to drag her away to kill her again. She started gasping.
"I feel it, I feel you, holding my neck, I feel it, I remember it. I remember dying. But I'm not dead," Olivia recalled. She started breathing heavily.
"Open a window," Ian roared. Keith stood up and jogged to the window. He opened it as wide as it could go. Olivia looked dizzy, like she's about to pass out. I felt like that too, but nobody cares right now. I had multiple moments, I'm giving this one to Olivia.
Olivia calmed down after a few minutes. She stood near the window, breathing in the cool winter air. I went up to join her.
"Did you see the figure?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah, I saw it, it does kind of look like Slenderman," she joked. She smiled, but I couldn't smile back. I stared at the winter and the trees. I listened to the calming ambience of nature and wind.
I looked at everyone inside. This is the first time I noticed Noah wasn't here.
Noah wasn't here.
Where is he?

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