Courtney POV⚠️

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"Courtney?" Noah asked me. I looked up at him, before hearing someone laugh behind me.
I was gonna turn my head to who I thought was gonna be Hunter again, but I heard Noah ask me another question.
"Do you want to try leaving again?"
I was trying to do a thousand things at once, so I barely understood Noah's question.
Do I say yes?
I figured so. I tried nodding, but my body was fighting against me.
I looked back to the trees to where I heard the noise.
"Are you going to listen now?" Hunter's slick, and calm voice asked from the trees.
"Come here, I'll consider letting your friends go, I have to bring you somewhere if-"
"I'm not going with you," I told him, trying to keep my words as steady and clear as I could. Around me, my friends had disappeared. Hunter's doing I believe.
I heard him chuckle.
"We have places to be, the other people are beneath you now, we need your help here,"
"I'm going home with my friends," I replied, emphasizing friends.
"So you're not gonna listen?" He asked sternly. I felt pressure all of my hands and body, like someone pressing into me.
I also heard footsteps into the snow, walking towards me.
"Friends," he repeated darkly. He kept walking to me. I saw the black Slenderman monster slowly come into view. He looked grim, less like before, less haunted.
He came close enough, and I fought myself to stay as calm as I could.
He stuck his arm out, towards me, as if lending me a hand.

I didn't move towards it.

Maybe I would've if the pressure wasn't holding me back, keeping me on this spot.
He kept it there a second longer before bolting it to my legs. He pulled on my leg back towards himself.

Maybe the pressure was the whole gang holding me back from where ever they are right now.

Maybe they're finally protecting me from this monster.

Hunter kept pulling back aggressively, trying to get me out of this invisible hold.
"Friends," he muttered once again. "I need you here with us,"
"Why does it have to be me?" I cried to him, it sounded more broken then I'd be happy with.
"You're better than they are," Hunter replied in a more steady voice.
He stopped tugging on my leg, he dropped one of his arms that were around my leg, and slowly pulled away, he seemed to have realized something. He looked distracted after a moment.
"Maybe it's the friends I'll need to get, before you," he muttered. "Say goodbye," he smiled grimly, turning to me. He disappeared on me as I processed what it meant.
"No!" I shouted to him too late. "No! Don't!"
I felt the pressure leave me, meaning the squad let go of me I assumed.
"Please don't," I cried. I didn't have enough strength to keep me up, so I fell to my knees.
"Kill me instead," I sobbed.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw their feet. I looked to my side, and saw Ian looking down at me. But he fell right after we made eye contact.
"Ian?" I heard Anthony. I looked at Anthony, and the same thing had happened to him. He fell over onto the ground. I closed my eyes and heard the rest of them fall also.
I looked up after I thought everyone was down. Shayne had fell just behind my legs. To my right, Noah hit his side which made me sob.
"You're a natural," Hunter spoke. When I heard him, I tried to calm myself.
"I didn't do it,"
"Maybe, we have to leave now, get up,"
"Are they ok?"
"Does it matter?"
"I don't want to 'Romeo and Juliet' this but if they're dead-"
"They're just people,"
"I said it before, they're my friends, my second family,"
"I put in all of this work for the one with emotional attachments," Hunter muttered.
"Are they dead?"
"Nobody knows, sometimes I surprise myself,"
I shook Ian's shoulder and Noah's right after.
"Courtney," he scolded in a husky voice. "It's time to go,"
"Can I do something, inside first?"
"There's nothing important in there,"
"I'm listening to you, just let me get something first, then I'll go,"
He didn't say anything, so I assumed I could go. I got up, and felt nothing from my leg, which meant Hunter had relapsed it.
I got up, and ignored everyone on the ground, eager to get inside.
I had something to do.

I left the door open and charged for the kitchen.
I went to the counter. When Noah and I were inside here, there was a few things left on the counter here, which I assumed the squad didn't know to take or not.
I grabbed something up and held it.
"You are clever, are you sure you don't want to stay here and help me?" Hunter asked. I didn't turn around to him.
"I'm going with the Squad, I'm not going with you, I told you,"
"Well, if I knew you were gonna pull that, I would've let you all enjoy a vacation," Hunter sighed.
"They are dead though?"
"Did they look dead to you?"
My hands shook as I held the knife in my hands.
"So if I had listened before, would it have seen you? Actually you?"
"No, but you've outsmarted me, turn around," Hunter sighed. I slowly did, gripping the knife tighter.
I looked at the door where I thought I heard him.
Slowly, he appeared, and it wasn't wasn't a black monster.
Hunter was wearing an old looking dirty plain tee shirt. His hair was shaggy and he had a stubble.
"Not what you're expecting?" He asked, he stuffed his arms into his pockets. He looked about Ian and Anthony's age.
"So you said I outsmarted you?" I asked. He sort of gawked at me.
"Was I wrong? Did you just grab a knife to hold?"
"I mean, what I'm about to do, that's out smarting you?"
"It's up to you to assume," he told me.
I looked at the knife.
"You're not gonna stop me?"
"I don't really care,"
"You said you wanted me because-?" I stretched on.
"Because you're manipulative and clever,"
"I'm not too sure what you mean?"
"You got one of those boys to carry you inside despite both being tired,"
"What about Olivia?"
"I'm was a tough choice but you also got the other one to get your bag from outside,"
"He was just getting my bag,"
"And then everyone was concerned about you when you were gone for 5 minutes,"
"It was also Noah,"
"You were important to this little group, this second family," Hunter sighed when I just wasn't agreeing with him.

"And they're important to me,"

Those were the last words I said to him. When he realized I was done, he began to fade away.

"I'll let you go, because I like you," He spoke quietly.

I didn't move when he was gone. I thought about it another minute, before walking outside to see them. I don't know why, I just hoped they weren't dead, or whatever they are, unless they're awake.

I went out beside the road, to everyone on the ground. I crouched down beside Olivia, and listened.

There was nothing but my own breathing, and the whistling of the cold.

I listened for vehicles, but the road has been empty except for us a few days ago. I looked at the knife again, then back to the squad. And then I laid down, where I planned to lay for the rest of my life.

To lay until the end between all of my closest friends, for just a while longer.

I didn't care about the snow, and the cold. I just cared about being near my family.

Which is very far right now, but I'll be with them soon enough.

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