Shayne POV

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I was being called awake.
"Shayne?" They called lightly. I groaned in response.
"Shayne, wake up," I heard again. It was Courtney, she shook my lightly until I opened my eyes.
"Shayne, wake up,"
"I'm up, I'm up," I told her.
"I want to try going onto the road,"

We got up and got ready as quietly as we could. We didn't wake the others because Courtney didn't want to wake them. She suggested we eat first.

"There's no toaster," I told her. We looked around the counters.
"That's weird, they made toast yesterday," Courtney exasperated.
I started to laugh a little. "Do you think they actually cooked it in the oven or something?"
Courtney smiled at me, she started to giggle a little bit. She shrugged.
"Let's try it," I suggested.

"Shayne! They've been in there too long," Courtney exclaimed. We were having fun making breakfast. We put in bread and she kept telling me to too low, and so I turned the heat up, she started telling me they've been inside too long. We kept joking around and laughing. I was really focused on taking her mind off of everything in this cabin.
There's been no incidents so far in the past hour we were awake, and a little last night. Not after Courtney woke up from when she passed out last night.
"They're burnt!" She laughed when she checked the oven.
"If you let me cook them the way I was, maybe they wouldn't be," I chuckled at her.
"So you intended to burn them to show me who's right?" She asked.
"You didn't get off my back," I kept laughing. She shook her head and put the toast stacked on a plate. We also made quinoa, oatmeal, and pancakes for everything from everything that Ian and Keith pulled out last night. There was plenty of boxes of food, but we still rationed everything. Splitting everything up for a weeks worth of meals for everyone. We didn't know how long we were gonna be stuck, so we imagined a week before we figure everything out.
We made an all vegan breakfast because I didn't want to get on her bad side by cracking some eggs and bacon. Everybody should be okay with this, it's still food.
We filled up the jug, and ate our own food.
"Shayne? Do you think the road's gonna let me through?" Courtney asked as I was cutting my pancakes.
"It should, if not today, tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day," I reassured her. She nodded along.
"I hope so, I want to go home, and check my social media, and check the Internet, and tell everyone I'm alive by tweeting, and snapping, and-"
"Yeah, imagine how Ian and Anthony feels, they were busy before they came, everyone at the Smoffice must be going bonkers,"
"Probably, we should try our cell phone reception again," she suggested.
"My phone's dead," I told her. She looked at me sympathetically.

We finished our meal, nobody woke up, not even with how much noise we made in the kitchen. The clock read lunch time, so they must've been exhausted. We didn't wake them, I thought they were gonna be awake, so they're food is gonna get cold.
We walked outside, dressed fully in new clothes and outdoor gear. Thin jackets and beanies.
"Are you sure you wanna try the road?" I asked to make sure. Her face dropped as we got closer to the road. She kept a straight face, and nodded, still looking at the road. The sun was cast behind us as we stopped just in front of the big rocks, behind the road. Still not a car to be seen.
"Courtney?" I asked her. She didn't look at me, she kept staring at the road.
"Yeah Shayne?"
"I got you, don't worry," I reassured her. She looked like she needed it.
"I trust you," she said.

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