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I stayed awake, as everyone else slept. I felt obligated to stay awake and watch out for something, I don't know why, I just felt the need to. So I did.
I was having trouble thinking about stuff to keep me awake, and when I did, I didn't want to be thinking. Maybe it was best to just go to sleep.

I was half asleep, when I heard the floor creak. I looked up, with my eyes squinted. There was nothing there. I don't want to be the dumb person in a horror movie when they blame it on the wind, but I don't know what made that noise. I sat up, and watched everyone because I figured if I can't see something, it's because the demon is gonna take someone else who can see the thing.
I waited five minutes. Nothing happened to the gang. They all slept soundly. I moved a little closer to Courtney, as much as I could before I would be right up against Noah. I adjusted Olivia, Courtney and Noah's blanket before laying back down. I checked Anthony behind me, and then listened for Shayne's snores.
I fell asleep after I was sure everyone was fine and sleeping.

I woke up again, on my own account. I don't know why, I didn't hear anything, nothing touched me.
I sat up and looked around the living room. I checked on everyone. Still altogether and sleeping peacefully.

I gave up on trying to go back to sleep after a few long minutes. I got up and sat on a chair.
It took me five minutes to realize that there was nothing stimulating to do.
The tv froze over and stopped working, our phones don't have signals and are dying so we're staying off of those, our computers have no signal which means no internet access. We probably have videos to edit. Or we have games on there.
I took my laptop from my bag and opened it up.
It was ice cold. I sighed.
"Are you ok Ian?" I heard Courtney asked sleepily.
"Courtney, go back to sleep, I'm fine," I whispered to her. She was looking at me but she was still laying down.
"I won't be able to fall back asleep," she told me.
"Trying to is probably better than doing nothing,"
"What do you mean?" She asked in a light voice.
"There's nothing to do, we've been only really planning how to leave, and eating and talking,"
"Well, I'm awake, let's talk then,"
Courtney sat down beside me.
"So why are you awake?" I asked after a few seconds of silence.
"I was sleeping some last night too, I'm not tired anymore,"
I nodded.
"What about you?"
"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep."

We stayed silent for a few moments. Courtney stared into space.
I saw Keith adjust his position a few times in a minute. He sat when he couldn't get comfortable.
He looked at us and kept trying to keep his eyes open.
"Good morning," Keith greeted when neither of us spoke.
"Morning," I replied. Courtney snapped out of it and smiled at him.

"Do you wanna make breakfast?" I asked Courtney and Keith.
"Yeah, and then we'll wake everyone up and plan something out,"

We went into the kitchen and got everything ready.
We went back into the living room.
"Guys, wake up, let's eat and get ready,"

After we all ate, we got ready.
The waters still running but it's freezing. It didn't stop some of us from showering though.
We were all getting ready, everybody was walking into different directions of the big cabin.
We met up again in the living room and sat around. Shayne, Anthony, and Olivia were into a deep conversation about I don't even know.
Soon, Courtney, Noah and Keith joined us on the couches and love seats.
We had to plan our escape now because we're running out of food.

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