Courtney POV ⚠️

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Major trigger warning here

Noah and I sat on the couch. Hugging and waiting for something. Anything. I didn't know what to do.
"Do you think the road still-"
"I don't know Noah, I'd be comfortable checking, but nobody else is here," I told Noah. He nodded. I rested my head on his shoulder. Much like the car ride when everything was fine.
"His name is Derek," Noah said all of a sudden.
"Whose name is Derek?"
"The stick figure guy, his name is Derek, he told me," Noah told me.
"How do you know?"
"I was calling him your name, because it looked like you, and then he said I'm hopeless, and that his name Derek,"
"He always turns into me," I mumbled.
"Well, I guess it's because you hit us the most, not physically, emotionally I guess,"
"I thought it was Olivia,"
"Well, maybe it's both of you girls,"
"Then why am I getting tortured the most?"
"I don't want to make you mad or anything, but Olivia might have died already,"
"Yeah, and I have to live with the fact that maybe I killed her, I have to live with the fact that I'm the reason you guys have to stay in this shithole. I'm holding you guys back, they could be dead and I'd know it was my fault,"
Noah didn't say anything.
"You're not holding us back,"
"Then why aren't you guys gone?"
"Dammit Courtney, please, understand, we're here because we need to help you, we feel the need to stay with you because, we care about you, we love you Courtney, I can't imagine a world without you, not since you came into our lives, we're not leaving you, if you have to stay and fight this mess, we're gonna stand in front of you,"
I smiled at him.
"You're all gonna steal my fights now?"
Noah smiled at me.
"I love you guys too," I whispered. I leaned onto him, and closed my eyes.

I slowly woke up, to Noah gently laying me on the couch. I watched him stand up and leave the room. I sat back up and watched Noah look around the lobby.
"Ian!" He called suddenly, running out of my view. I heard Ian's breathing.
"Noah?" He asked in a wobbly voice. His voice was hollow. I got up also, I limped past the arch of the living room. Ian was on all fours, crawling towards Noah, who helped him up. Ian saw me, and stared into my eyes. I looked away. I know the cause of this. He's gonna see something, that's not me, and he's gonna see the stick figure, Derek.
"Courtney?" He asked.
"Ian," I stated his name. I looked in the opposite direction of him.
"Courtney? What are you doing?" Ian asked. He's seeing it. All he has to do is look at me and I hurt him. I sat on the floor. I covered my ears to block out his screams. When I heard a crash.
"Ian! It's okay!" I heard Noah. I couldn't help but cry silently. I'm hurting everyone. I slowly looked back, I felt a weight exit my body. The weight that stops us from moving when someone encounters Derek.
"Ian, Ian shh, there's nothing there, it's just us," Noah explained to Ian. Ian was rocking back and forth from where he just got slammed. I turned my head back to where I was looking. Away from Ian.
"Courtney?" Ian asked. That's when I accidentally let out a sob. The tears ran down my face. I pulled my knees up to me and held them.
"What did I do?" I sobbed to Ian. I didn't look at him. I jumped a little when someone put their hand on my shoulder. Ian sat next to me.
"Before, I woke up in a room,"
"Did you get drowned too?" I asked. Maybe he felt what I felt, when Noah unknowingly instructed how to torture us.
"No, no, I woke up and-and you came inside and opened a light,"
The tears came back. Everyone's imagining me hurting them. I wiped my tears on my arm, and settled it back around my knees. I clutched the gauze.
"You-you broke my leg, you snapped it clean off my joint, it hurts, I feel it," he continued.
"I didn't do it!" I cried. Noah came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into his touch.
"I didn't do it," I repeated quietly right into Noah's neck. He held me tighter. I kept crying.
"You snapped my neck, and I'm afraid if I turn it, it'll break again," Ian finished. I kept crying. "I died, he told me, but I woke up inside that closet," Ian kept talking.
"He talked to you?" Noah asked.
"He said 'now you know what it feels like to die, tell your friend, she's a monster' but you're not Courtney," Ian said, quick to add the last part.
"I feel like one," I muttered. Nobody said anything.
"Is that Anthony?" Noah asked all of a sudden. He was looking to my left from where I was staring, to a hallway that leads to a dining room and a big tv room. Noah was looking down the dark hallway that has a few more rooms and a stairway that leads to the basement.
I didn't want to look over. Not if I'm just gonna watch another friend get tortured and then get told how I killed them.
"Anthony?" He called. Ian stood up and rushed over. All I heard was drips and the sound of someone trudging. He sounded wet. He probably drowned. I probably drowned him.
"Noah, don't let him see me," I turned to Noah and begged. Noah didn't move from his spot, or pull his arm, away from my shoulders. He looked down at me.
"Courtney, it's gonna be ok,"
"Noah, it's gonna happen again,"
"Courtney, I don't think so," Noah theorized.
"Anthony, you're soaked," Ian exclaimed.
"I didn't know that Ian, thank you for telling me," Anthony replied sarcastically. His voice sounded like he was struggling to breathe, it sounded scratchy and hoarse.
"Anthony? Are you ok?" Noah asked. He brought Anthony's attention over here. I tried getting closer to Noah, I wrapped both of his arms around me, trying to block Anthony's gaze. I didn't want him to see me, so I kept pushing Noah and I farther back.
"Courtney, stop it, it's ok," Noah scolded.
"Noah," I stretched his name, I gave him a look, pleading for us, for me to get away from Anthony.
"Courtney?" Anthony asked again.
"Noah please, let me go," I begged. Tears getting into my vision.
"Courtney, please stop, please, go, go away!" Anthony told me. His tone getting more scared as he progressed through the sentence. He screamed. I still didn't look back.
"Noah! Let me go!" I shouted at Noah who released his hold on me. I stood up as fast as I could. Remembering my stab wounds after I took a step and fell to the ground. Anthony starting screaming more, I heard someone slap him and punch him.
"Anthony! I'm here!" Ian yelled to his best friend. I covered my ears, trying to block everything out again.
"Courtney! Courtney! I'm sorry! I didn't do anything! Courtney!" I kept hearing. I kept hearing slams and screams. I couldn't stop crying.
"I'm sorry Anthony!" I shouted back at him. I opened my eyes and looked towards him. Anthony got punched to the side. I closed them again and prayed everything to just stop.
"No! No!"
"Courtney, it's over, it's ok," Noah told me, he grabbed my hand. I didn't open my eyes or move.
"Courtney, please, it's my fault," Noah tried talking to me.
"It's my fault," I told him.
"It's over, Courtney, it's over," Noah told me. I opened my eyes and Noah was staring deeply into them. I looked past him, Ian was hugging Anthony, who was gripping Ian back.
"It's not over Noah," I told him.
"Courtney?" I heard Anthony call.
"I'm sorry Anthony," I called back. Noah helped me up. Ian and Anthony were sitting just at the edge of the dark hallway.
"Courtney, you didn't do anything," he told me. I shuddered. He's lying, I probably went into his room and killed him too. I probably drowned him.
"Didn't do anything, after I already did something, what did I do?" I asked blandly.
Anthony stared at my wounded leg. Avoiding my eyes. His eyes widened a little bit, before he quickly turned away. I looked down at my leg. There was nothing but gauze from a stab wound. Which means I probably kicked him.
"You-you," Anthony tried to say. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "You came into the cramped room, I could barely sit without touching something. You came inside and, scratched my neck, right here," he showed me. He grazed his fingers over the right side of his neck. He turned to me slightly, and looked into my eyes. I blinked.
"I think you slit it, I couldn't breathe and it was bleeding, and then you dragged me out, and threw me into a tub, that appeared out of nowhere, and I couldn't get out, you were holding me inside. I felt like I forgot what breathing felt like," Anthony explained. He flipped his hair, and stood up. Anthony took off his wet over shirt and wiped his face.
"It wasn't me though,"
"I know, it just, looked like you," Anthony replied awkwardly.
I sighed. I just want to get the rest of the crew over with. Just Keith, Olivia, and Shayne. I'm not too sure what's gonna happen with Noah. As soon as he leaves, something's gonna happen, and then he gets hurt too. Maybe we'll be able to leave after that.
"Can I wait outside? Just in case someone else comes out." I asked Noah.
"It's dark outside, want me to go outside with you,"
"Only if you want to, I think you should tell everyone to watch out for me though," I told him. He looked into my eyes, looking for something. I don't know why, that was a risk on its own.
"Ok, I'll be out in a while, when everyone does come, if something happens inside, call for us, I'll leave the door open ok?"
"Ok, I'll just sit in the rocks near the road,"

I sat outside. I stared at the long empty road. I had my legs on the road, and my hands in my jacket pockets.
I kept my mind empty. I tried to. I distracted myself by watching the snow fall to the ground. They were getting hard to see after a while. I should turn on the porch light.
I limped up the stairs and turned, I got into the view of the lobby inside. Shayne was sitting beside Noah, faced away from me. I quietly snook my arm inside, and was feeling the wall, looking for the switches to turn on the porch light. I was slowly running my fingers up and down the wall. Until I accidentally touched it and flicked the switch too hard.
Shayne looked over to the noise I made.
"No Shayne!" I called, limping as fast as I could back to the rock in front of the road. I sat on the rock, and waited until I heard the corresponding screams of pain and displeasure.
"I hate you too Courtney!" I heard Shayne yell.

Noah came outside after about, maybe ten minutes.
"You're shivering," Noah stated. It's true. I was getting cold, but I didn't want to go inside.
"It doesn't matter, Shayne hates me," I said. I was holding my wounded leg, and my other was hanging over the side. I looked at Noah, his eyes had fear.
"Noah?" I asked, standing up.
"No, no, Shayne doesn't hate you,"
"Oh yeah, but whenever he sees me hurt him, he does,"
"No, he's just blaming somehing, he's, he hates the pain,"  Noah tried to explain. I sat back down on the rock.
"Do you want to come to the living room? We're still sitting around the lobby, Keith and Olivia aren't here yet,"
"I shouldn't,"
"You can,"
"I don't know,"
"Well I'll wait out here too then," he told me. Sitting beside me on the rock. We sat a minute in silence before he stood up.
"It matters to me," Noah mumbled. He placed something around my shoulders. I looked at it. He had taken off his own jacket to put on me.
"Thank you Noah," I hugged his side, which he returned. "I don't want you hurt, so you can't leave my side until we leave," I whispered to him. I had wrapped half of his jacket back around him, keeping the other around me, I didn't want him outside in just his tee shirt. He kissed my forehead.
"It won't be hard not to leave your side Court," he whispered back.

My stomach grumbled after a while. Nobody has eaten in the past day.
"I think we should get something to eat, we can eat in the living room," Noah suggested. I nodded. He wrapped his arm around my waist to help me walk back to the house. I had tried to run before, it was sore.
He opened the door as my stomach grumbled again. I held onto the frame when I peered at the person sitting inside the lobby along with the gang who had already experienced what I didn't want them to. Keith. I tried to hurry us to the kitchen, because I didn't want to see what happens to Keith. Anthony saw me and looked to Keith, who was watching me, smiling, oblivious to the upcoming events. Anthony tackled Keith and held onto him. Ian did the same as Anthony, landing near Keith, keeping him to the ground.
"What're you guys doing," he asked. Anthony and Ian just pinned him down, waiting for something to happen. I just watched, unable to move anymore.
"Courtney? What's funny? I could use some...Courtney?"
I wasn't laughing. But to him I must be.
"Ayy, Court- ayy!" Keith trilled. His legs lifted and looked like they were getting tugged.
Keith tried kicking whatever force had him. Derek.
Then his jeans ripped, and there was cuts on his legs. Keith screamed in agony as soon as it happened. He did a weird combination of screaming and panting. Breath in, scream, breath in, scream.
Noah ran to the living when I felt gravity lessen. He ran back out with some gauze. He tossed it to Ian who had gotten off of Keith, checking his leg, and began to wrap it up. Keith was groaning.
I went to the living room, with Noah right behind me.
"Noah, if you do want to do your own thing, it's fine,"
"Courtney, I want to stay with you," he smiled at me. I haven't done any of that in a while. It feels hard.
All I have to do now, is wait for Olivia. And whatever else Derek throws at us.

I honestly thought is was gonna be a short chapter. Ahh well, who really gives a damn.
I recognize that I've done more Courtney POV's, but it's because because she has a lot more to do with the story along with Noah.
Anyways, I also recognize that I say the words "suddenly" and "Courtney" a lot, please don't bash me, I am trying to make things happen, right then, and like I said, Courtney has a lot to do with the story.
If it's hard to understand, don't fret, I wrote this in a troubling manner, I'll try to explain it as the story goes on, just keep reading, or reread the part, maybe you skipped something.
I'm trying hard to get more and different POV's, but I have a lot more to say on Courtney's end, so I'll keep trying to expand. Pay attention with whose POV it is.
I'm also thinking to make a couple happen in the story. It's not gonna be Ianthony though. Who do you ink is gonna end up with who?

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