Olivia POV

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I had my eyes closed, as I sat on the couch. I was trying to sleep.
Anthony was beside me, we were talking, but I was to tired to think over my words, I just wanted to end the conversation and go to sleep.
I felt exhausted. I felt physically drained. The monster had stolen my energy and my care. I didn't care right now, I just wanted to sleep.
After a while, I still couldn't fall asleep. I was half-asleep at best. I felt tired, but my body was now refusing sleep.
Anthony had walked out before, I felt him leave the couch. I thought it was gonna help me sleep, but it didn't.  I didn't know what was going on. I opened my eyes, and I moved a little and I felt how drained my body and movements felt. I had to accept it and get up because I'm wasting time trying to sleep because my ticket to dreamland was getting declined.
I sat upwards, and listened for anyone. As soon as I listened for something, I heard gasps and low sobs.
It didn't take a genius to figure out who was making what noises.
Anthony was gasping, for a reason I didn't know yet. He was making sounds of displeasure.
Courtney was sobbing, and whimpering, which leads me to believe that maybe the demon has Anthony, that Courtney can't help. I didn't hear anything or anyone else. Anthony was surely holding back screams and doing something frantically.
I was trying to move, but something was holding me back, I could only move so slowly.
I finally stood up, and was trudging over to the arch.
"Anthony..." I heard Courtney sob, trying to talk to him as calmly as she could. "It's just me, you just saw me do something...but it wasn't me ok?" Courtney tried to tell him. I could hear the sadness in her voice. It made me feel so sad that she has to go this.
I finally made it to the door, and I could move at the pace I wanted to again. Anthony was laying on the floor just near the door, and Courtney was holding his arm, with tears in her eyes as she looked into Anthony's.
It kind of looked like Anthony was a patient at a hospital about to go into surgery and Courtney was told that he may not make it through it, so she's giving him her goodbyes.
Anthony spoke in pained breathes as he bundled his shirt at the hem.
"What-wha...what did I do...Anthony?" Courtney asked, taking deep breathes, trying to compose herself.
I moved closer, and kneeled next to Courtney, she acknowledged me but waited for Anthony's reply.
Anthony was taking deep breathes.
"Just breath, we'll let you rest," I told Anthony, when he couldn't stop the tears. He nodded instantly and laid back down on the floor.
I grabbed Courtney's hand and we moved a few steps away.
I pulled her closer for a hug and she leaned onto me. She didn't stop her sobs as soon as she rested her forehead on my shoulder.
I let her cry for a few minutes. I looked at Anthony, who was wiping his red eyes.
"Courtney?" I whispered when she slowed down. She hummed back.
"What happened?"
"You have to ask Anthon-"
"What happened to you? What did it look like to you?" I asked her, pulling her up to look at me.
"Umm," She thought over her words. I don't think anyone's asked her this question, it's always 'are you ok?' and then we ask the other person who was affected.
"He was talking, and then it looked like someone jabbed him, in his side, and then he looked sore. Then he went into..a...uhh."
"He got attacked?" I finished. She nodded.
"It was a weird one, I think, I must've gone up to him and asked him questions, he was talking to someone. Then he really gripped his side and was getting hurt," Courtney finished. I gave her another hug, and then I walked over to Anthony, who looked like he was gonna fall asleep.
"Anthony?" I called for his attention. Courtney patted my shoulder.
"You have to be more quiet, Noah, is sleeping," She shushed me. I looked at Noah who was sleeping on the floor more towards the door to outside.
"Anthony? Are you ok?" Anthony sat up, and leaned against the wall beside him.
"I've been better,"
"I don't doubt that,"
"What happened?" Courtney asked immediately, then cleared her throat and asked again quietly.
"Before, when I was talking to you, I felt something stab me, but you saw right? Nothing was there, and then you came up to me and got weird, and then you actually stabbed me," Anthony was looking at Courtney. She seemed to cower.
"Is there anything on your torso?"
Anthony lifted his shirt a little bit, and there was nothing there.
"I felt it," Anthony whispered to himself. He grazed his fingers over his skin.
"Everyone's ok though?" I asked them both. They both nodded. It got quiet after that. Courtney sat beside Noah, so I joined her. Anthony sat closer to us. We just waited something to happen.

Noah woke up a short while after that. His eyes opened, and he looked around. Courtney moved into his vision and smiled at him. He smiled back and looked at us. Giving Anthony and I smiles. I reciprocated and Anthony gave a toothless smile, but it did look fake. Noah sat up, and we all just looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Courtney hugged Noah's side.

We all sat in a circle. We just, sat in silence and had our own thoughts. Everyone was such inside their own minds, we didn't even notice.
I simply watched everyone, in a daze. Everyone staring off into imagination land. I don't know how to describe it, but it was nice.
Courtney sighed. Leaving her mind, and looked at me, then at everyone else. Which was Noah and Anthony. She nodded and didn't speak.
Courtney suddenly forced her eyes shut.
"Courtney?" I asked quietly.
She looked up at me for a split second, before falling to the ground in the middle of our circle, snatching the attention of the two boys. She had passed out, once again.

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