Shayne POV

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"Go!" Someone shouted. I forced my hesitant self forward onto the road. I took big strides and soon, I had landed just a few centimetres onto the rocky pavement. I took another step, and ran towards the forest.
Beside me was Ian, and Keith was at the end. I kept running until I made it to the edge of the road, moving past the truck.
I took a breathe, and stopped when I stepped off of the road.
I was the first one off of the road, Ian was just leaping onto the snow at the edge of the trees. Keith however, was still on the opposite side of the road. He looked at us.
"You look pale Shayne," Ian told me, he was examining my face.
Ian's eyes got droopy, and he had slouched as he stood.
"I-Ian?" I had called, but his breathing broke, and he was soon gasping for breathe. He fell to his knees, and was gripping his throat, trying to breathe. Ian looked half asleep, and was almost falling over. I felt like I was having an anxiety attack.
"Guys! Get back over here!" Keith called to us. He looked frantic as he watched us. I patted Ian's shoulder as we trudged over to the road once again.
We ever so slowly walked back until we were a few steps away from Keith.
Keith, without touching the road, had grabbed us and dragged us back the rest of the way. Ian had slumped to the ground, eyes closed finally taking deep breathes and looked like he was trying to wake himself.
"It looked just like the truck ride," Keith informed us. He was trying to check on all of us.
"It didn't work, let's go inside and talk," Ian spoke tiredly.

We had to take a few breathes before gaining the energy to even walk back inside the cabin.
I opened the door, to Anthony, Noah and Olivia crowded around unconscious Courtney on the floor.

We had moved to the living room, and gave our stories.
Anthony and Noah kept checking on Courtney. She was still fine, and at this point, was just sleeping.
She wasn't shaking or anything, so we assumed she wasn't having a nightmare, so we didn't try to wake her.
We were sitting on the beds, all around Courtney. We sat in blankets and spoke. It was evening and getting dark out, so we figured to just get ready to go to sleep. We were all to exhausted to try to cook dinner, so we left it. I don't think we were all too hungry anyways.
"It only affected the people who ran onto the road right?" Noah asked. Ian nodded.
"And it did Courtney right?" Noah continued. We nodded again.
"Surely, Keith was fine, because he didn't run with you guys, so why did Courtney get hurt when the rest of us didn't?" Noah asked.
"You have to ask Axel,"
"It's Derek,"
"Edward," we fought about the thing's name once again.
"Tyson," we heard a tiny croak. We looked to Courtney, whose eyes were still closed.
"He said it was Tyson," she croaked again. It was her who spoke. Courtney opened her eyes. She looked really tired.
"He said another name?" Keith exclaimed.
"Tyson?" Anthony asked for confirmation. Courtney hummed. She really sounded broken.

We talked some more and theorized. But nothing sounded plausible. We discarded everything and decided to sleep on it. Courtney slept dead in the middle again, which is perfectly fine, she needs to be protected the most I'd think. Olivia was next to her. And it was still changing for the rest of us, trying to figure out what works.
Soon, we fell asleep, and the night faded away.

I had a dream, which was a replay of the day. Just a summary brewed from my mind.
I was watching the last part, but I was watching inside the cabin instead of us when we ran onto the road. I saw Courtney pass out. Then it paused there.
"Does she have to die before you all stop trying to run away?" A deep voice asked. I saw Courtney laying on the floor as Anthony, Olivia and Noah crowded around her to try to help her.
Does she have to die before we stop trying to run away?

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