Keith POV

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"3," Ian counted down slowly. Ian, Shayne and I were getting ready to run to a certain point past the road. We didn't want to just run onto the road to see what happens. We wanted to run past the road to the trees behind it. It worked for everyone the first day, we just thought maybe it'd work today.
We were just beside the road, ready to bolt it.
"1," Ian counted anxiously.
"Go!" Shayne yelled, but we didn't run.  Just like when we were gonna jump into a pool as a group but only one person ended up jumping. Except, we all didn't run.
"Ok, we have to go next time," Shayne said.
"No, no I don't wanna go," I kind of whined.
"You don't wanna go home?" Ian asked, twisting my words
"I didn't say that, remember what happened before? I felt like my legs were getting chopped off, I felt like I was dying, and I know what that feels like," I started to say.
"We all know what that feels like, we planned this out, as soon as we feel something happening, we'll run back." Shayne tried reassuring.
"Whatever, maybe I should just help Noah calm Courtney in case it happens,"
"Just a few minutes Keith please, we just have to test this out to know for sure, do you feel pain now?"
"Not at the moment, only fear,"
"Which means the pain from before goes away, calm on," Shayne got back into his ready position. I shook my head and stood beside them.

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