Noah POV

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"I thing we should try it," Ian whispered to the four of us. We were standing outside. We were supposed to plan what we were gonna try next, to plan the exit. Or rather, the escape.
"I don't think so, we should tell her first,"
"Maybe that's the key," Shayne added.
"Let's tell Anthony to watch her then," Keith inquired.
"And tell Olivia to keep watch on us from inside, so she can tell Anthony, but still keep it from Courtney."
"No, let's not, I don't wanna do this," I objected. My voice was getting a little louder, so they shushed me.
"Look, let's just get Anthony and Olivia, tell them, send them back inside, and they'll keep her busy.
"No, but they're already inside with her, it's sketchy to ask for them, leave Courtney alone for a minute, and then send them back inside," Shayne noted.
"Let's not do this, I'm not comfortable with it," I said again.
"Noah, fine, you can watch her, Anthony's on our side,"
"What the fuck? You have sides? Is this the side against Courtney? This is bullshit, she needs reassurance and protection, what the actual fuck is this?" I got angry
"Calm down Noah, just bad wording, we're all on the same side, no worries," Ian tried calming me down. His voice was soft and he had his hand in front of him, his palm facing me.
"Whatever do whatever, I'll watch her," I muttered to them. I turned and walked to the cabin door.
I ran up the steps and saw Courtney holding her tummy, looking at the floor but storming away from the living room.
"Courtney?" I called. I went into the lobby in front of her.
"Noah?" She asked unsure.
"Is something wrong?"
"No-I.... I'm not sure actually,"
"Did something happen?" I asked softer.
"I, felt mad at Olivia and Anthony, something came over me, I don't know," She replied, she genuinely seemed unsure was whatever happened.
"Courtney!" I heard Olivia from the living room.
She glanced at me before limping to the room. I ran behind her, passing her as I checked inside the living room. Olivia was freaking out, and then she rammed into the wall. Anthony was being held on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. Anthony was holding onto the side of the coffee table, obviously trying to get up. Courtney was behind me, when I heard her whisper the word 'no no no' multiple times. I tried turning around, but I was locked in place as the two inside the living room were facing the monster.
I couldn't move my feet so I turned towards her. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to shield her gaze from the living room.
"Courtney! Stop it!" Anthony screamed.
"They don't mean you," I tried to say to her.
"Then who do they mean?! Is there another Courtney?" She snapped. She forcibly shoved my arms away and was trying to move away from me.
"It's always me, it's always me," Courtney sobbed.
"No Courtney!" Olivia screamed, her voice was loud and it had cracked. I checked inside again and Olivia was laying on the ground in a ball, by the way she moved, she was crying.
Anthony was suddenly picked from the ground by the hidden demon, and was slammed against the coffee table. It didn't break but it sounded like it did.
Anthony didn't move but he was breathing heavily.
"They're done Court," I told her. She took a step to make sure. She looked confused. Maybe she didn't know where to go. The living room has two people she doesn't want to encounter right now. I don't know what's going on with us two, so maybe she'll step outside to see the guys outside.
No, she's staying with me. Not if everyone outside is picking sides against her.
"Courtney, I'm sorry about everything, let's check on them," I told her. She looked at me, and sat on the lobby floor. On the small step in the lobby. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on her knees.
"Ok, I'll be right out then, please don't move,"
Quickly, before I went inside the living room, I shut the front door because it was still open and I didn't want Courtney hearing anything that'll upset her.
Which made me think, they still can't be standing and talking outside. Didn't they hear the screams in the last few minutes?
I shrugged it off. I feel like I should check on Anthony and Olivia first.
Courtney stayed in the same position so I left her.
"Are you two okay?" I asked gently as I stepped inside the room.
Anthony was sitting on the couch, he looked distracted. Olivia was still curled up, but she moved so she was leaning against the wall.
"It stayed Courtney," Anthony mumbled, not moving his gaze.
"It didn't turn into the black, stick, slender man thing, it stayed Courtney,"
"Mine did too, I thought for real it was Courtney," Olivia added, her voice was fearful.
"What happened? If you don't mind me asking,"
"She left the room, when Olivia was gonna follow after her, I stayed, and she came back inside, and then Court started doing those things to me, you saw right? And then, she laughed as she left the room," Anthony described. He didn't go into detail and he spoke quickly.
" I was just at the door when she walked back inside, she pushed me backwards over here, and then she attacked me too, and then...she walked right through you as she walked out the door, and I still thought it was Courtney until a few minutes ago," Olivia explained, shamefully.
"But you're both good?" I asked, I inspected them quickly as I stood up. I thought that Courtney might be listening and she's one of my top priorities right now.
They both slowly nodded. I took off when they sat together on the couch. They looked depressed and droopy. But I still bolted out to Courtney's well-being before anyone else's.
She was still seated. She looked like Olivia and Anthony, which can't be good. But then again, in what world would her being in this state be good?
"Ok, I'm staying with you now ok?" I informed, I just wanted her to be ok with me being here so I'm not invading and getter get her more upset with me than she already is.
"Can I stay with you Courtney?" I asked, I stepped forward to her unmoving, sitting body. She shrugged.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Of course, I wouldn't ask a rhetorical question...would I?" I joked.
"Yeah you would," she replied, with nothing in her voice. Like she was a robot without emotion.
But she wasn't a robot, she seemed droopy and sad and glum, and overall, depressed.
"Courtney, if you really don't want me here, I'll leave, I don't-"
"You don't want me hurt," she angrily mocked. "Piss off please," she snapped, she still didn't look at me.
I thought of replying, but I'd ruin any chance of reapplying the glue that had once kept us together.
"I'll go outside, but I'll keep the door open," I told her softly, slowly walking to the door hoping for a sign of discouragement. I was in front of her, so she looked up slightly and shrugged. She had a frown that looked like it was permanent.
"If Olivia and An-"
"I said piss off, I know how to face this thing better than all of you combined," she slightly raised her voice. She looked like she was gonna stand up. I didn't want her to go to anywhere dangerous, so I obliged hoping she would sit back down. She looked away from me, towards the halls.
I kept thinking. She said 'face this thing' not fight this thing. So if she does get attacked, she'd just face it and wait for it to be over.
But it makes sense in a lot of perspectives. She's encountered it more, so she knows the best way to face it.
We didn't make any progress in fighting it, so we don't know how we would fight it, so maybe that's why she didn't say fight.
I didn't know what to think.
"Noah," I heard. I snapped back behind me, I was almost out the door.
She was still standing, looking right into my eyes.
"Come over here," she ordered. She pointed to the floor right in front of her. She looked determined and fierce. Which would be a great way to feel right about now. She had a ghost of a smirk on her lips, as she waited for me to move. I did so slowly.
"Noah, the time only follows your actions, it doesn't make you faster," she stated, which sounded like a quote from a movie about a teacher, teaching a naive kid who wants to be a strong fighter.
I stood in front of her. Which is when her smirk appeared.
"Noah?" I heard. But it didn't come from Courtney. I glanced around, and nobody was in the room except for us, and Anthony and Olivia in the other room.
"What are you doing Courtney?" I asked, unsure of what she was gonna do.
I felt something around my legs, but there was nothing there. Courtney, had put her hands on my shoulders, her smirk still prominent.
"Courtney?" I asked her. Unsure. I unknowingly had tried to move backwards but there was still something around my legs, keeping me still.
"Stop moving," She ordered in a calm voice. I stopped immediately.
She pulled closer and hugged me. She leaned her head on my shoulder.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her up. She returned to gloomy.
"Noah?" She asked. I moved so that we were looking at each other.
She looked in my eyes once more, and then tightly gripped my shoulders.
"Courtney, that hurts,"
She sort of smiled in a dark way.

This isn't Courtney.

This isn't Courtney.

Where's Courtney?

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