Noah POV

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I woke up to Shayne helping Courtney out of the living room. Keith was shuffling around on the couch, waking up.
"Dude, you got to sleep beside the girls again, come on," Keith told me. I smiled at him.

We all got up. Keith had been walking around with me around the house, because I didn't want to go alone anywhere at this point. Olivia helped Courtney, then Keith and Olivia dropped us off at the living room so they can get ready.
"Are you ok?" Courtney ask me.
"I am, I should be asking you, are you ok?"
She nodded and smiled at me. I reciprocated.
"Do you want to leave this place?" I asked her. She opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. She looked guilty and was thinking over what she was gonna say.
"I don't want to screw this vacation, we, you guys deserve it," she replied. Shayne walked inside.
"Courtney, Noah, if you guys want to leave, it's no problem, it was a very terrible accident," Shayne added.
"I think we should go, and, it's probably best Court," I said.
"Only if it's no problem, you all work hard,"
"You work very hard too Courtney," I replied to her. She smiled.
"Ok, I, don't want to be here anymore,"

"We didn't really do any unpacking, I'll call the producers," Olivia told us.
"Alright, that sounds good, we should also stop by the hospital, get you guys checked out,"
"Ok, that sounds good,"
"If I may ask, what did the stick figure thing, look like exactly?" Shayne asked. I looked at Courtney, she looked at me too.
"You don't have to answer, I just wanted to know, it's fine,"
"Ok, I, I don't want to think about it really," I told Shayne. He nodded.
"They didn't pick up, it said out of service," Olivia said, coming back into the lobby where we were. I took out my phone, and checked to see if we have service.
"I have service,"
"I do too,"
"Me too."
"Let me try calling them," Keith explained. He left the room. We looked at each other waiting for the results.
"It didn't work for me either, I tried both of them," Keith said when he came in.
"Let's just leave this place please, let's see if the road has better service," I advised.

We left to the road. No one was outside driving. We all brought our bags out and were on our phones.
Shayne was holding Courtney's bag, she was walking slowly towards the road on her phone in front of us.
"Guys! I got Anthony!" I called.
"Anthony! It's Noah!"
"Noah? What's up?"
"Hold on," I told him. I looked up, Courtney kept walking, trying to text someone.
"Courtney!" I called to her, excited. She took a step onto the paved road, and went limp. She fell onto the empty road.
"Courtney!" I yelled, everyone turning to her, running to her.
"Anthony, don't hang up, we need you to come up, bring Ian, Courtney!" I was talking to Anthony, but yelled Courtney's name right into the phone.
"Ouch, ok, yeah whatever, we're coming up now then," he told me before hanging up.
"Wait no Anthony?" I asked, but the phone went dead. I ran up to Courtney instead of calling back.
"What happened? Did she just fall?" I asked.
"I don't know, I only looked over when you called her, she was already on the ground," Shayne replied frantically. I lifted her head and checked her pulse, it was fine, she was breathing.
"Let's bring her inside, come on,"

We brought her back inside, and laid her down.
"Courtney?" I asked. She looked like she was getting up.
"Courtney?" I asked again. She started shaking, and freaking out, and screaming, and scaring us.
"Courtney?! Wake up! It's ok, it's just us!"
She suddenly opened her eyes and started grabbing at us. Her breathing was heavy.
"Shh, Courtney, it's ok," Shayne coaxed.
"Please, please, get me out of here, please!" She called.
"We're leaving, we promise, it's ok, we just have to wait for Ian and Anthony.
"I want to leave now, please, can we leave now?" Courtney asked, she looked scared.
"Ok, ok, we have our things outside, we can walk to the nearest pit stop," Keith told Courtney. We all tried to calm her down, but she just wanted to go.

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