End of the Book!

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Thank you for sticking with the book for so long despite it being very confusing! I appreciate it, but if you don't understand still, comment or inbox me!

I so didn't expect this book to even reach an end, I thought I would get too confused with myself, so I really hope you enjoyed my debut Wattpad book that I've completed!

And once again, I wanted to congratulate you for making it out to the end of this puzzle of a wattpad book! Thank you whether you voted, commented, or just read! I absolutely promise better Smosh Fanfiction on my account, it'll get better!

Also, I have a Smosh One Shot book out, if you wanna check that out, maybe leave a comment for a prompt or a ship that you want me to write about, I enjoy writing about Smosh but I've hit a bit of a rut, I don't know the content that Smosh readers want to read about, hence why this book was so bad, So help me out and leave a comment or inbox me over on that book, I'll leave a dedication unless you want to stay anonymous! If not, I understand, some readers are Silent readers, meaning they only read, not leaving comments or voting, so you'll just have to wait a bit until I get my head together and put my small writing skills to work!

Did you think I was gonna leave the book at everyone dying? Nah, I don't roll that way, here's the finale! Enjoy! And thank you!

Courtney POV

I woke up groggily.

I was laying on my side on someone's legs. I lifted my head slowly, I felt a headache. Outside was cloudy but not raining. I was in a vehicle.

"Courtney?" Olivia asked. I looked up. I was laying on her legs. "Are you okay?" she asked softly.

"Courtney!" Keith exclaimed.

"She woke up!" Noah announced.

"How are you?" Anthony asked from the passenger seat.

"I'm fine," I mumbled.

"You don't feel sick or anything?" Shayne asked from the back seat. I sat up. Keith and Shayne were sitting in the back, Noah was beside the window, Olivia in the middle, and I was at the other window. Ian was driving and Anthony was riding passenger. I leaned on Olivia's shoulder.

"I'm fine,"

"You know what Court?"

"What? What's going on?"

Ian looked back at me and smiled, like Anthony, and everyone else.

"We left, we're free," Ian told calmly. He turned back around. Nobody moved, only grinned, until I smiled back, then everyone starting hooting and squealing with excitement.

"Yeah, and there's a pit stop not too far from here, we'll go there and freshen up, return everyone's calls and texts, check social media and we'll be home by tomorrow," Anthony told me.

Everyone calmed down soon enough. Then we drove in silence, that wasn't bad.

"So what happened?" I asked everyone.

"It was hard to tell actually," Ian started.

"Wait, before that, what happened with you?" Shayne asked from the back, tapping my shoulder.

"Where do I start?"

"From when you started acting weird to the tree's," Olivia said

"Well, I saw that guy, his name was Hunter, he told me," I began.

"His name was Hunter?"


"I still don't think-"

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