Courtney POV

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"Do you want to try to leave again?" Keith whispered to me.
"I want to try,"
"Only if you want to,"

"Ok, I hope it works, let's go," Anthony announced after we discussed a new plan.
We were gonna separately go onto the road and see who it affects because of what had happened yesterday.
Noah brought my bag outside because I was still limping. My leg felt fine but I felt the wound when I put pressure onto my leg.

"Ok, who wants to go first?" Ian asked as we all stared onto the road
"Maybe I should try first," I suggested, stepping forward and turning back to everyone.
"No-no, I'll go, let me try first," Shayne went up before me.
"Wouldn't it make more sense for Courtney?" Noah asked Shayne.
"No, I was one of the people yesterday who ran onto the road, I wanna see if just I go, Courtney still gets affected... if that's OK with Courtney?" Shayne struggled for words.
"Let's try it," I agreed.
Shayne took a deep breathe before turning to the road. He stared at the trees and looked down to the pavement.
He took a few steps onto the road slowly. I held my breathe the whole time. Shayne cautiously took another before slipping on the small patch of ice covered with snow. He fell onto his back, as he was sitting, he hurriedly tried to stand up again, but slid back down. He looked fearfully at the trees as he pushed himself back towards us, he rushed as fast as he could back to us.
Shayne made it back and I didn't feel anything. Maybe we can't leave altogether?
"Are you ok Shayne?"
"I'm fine, I thought it was the demon though, are you ok Courtney?" He directed everyone attention to me. They all inspected my body looking for something wrong.
"I'm fine," I muttered, wrapping my arms around my belly. I looked back to the road and everyone quickly looked away.
"You're not hurt though Courtney?" Shayne asked, coming up to me. He put his hands on my shoulders and once again inspected me. That's when my vision got fuzzy.

I woke up from a dreamless sleep. I was being held.
"Courtney?" Anthony asked. He was holding me as we were outside.
"Are you ok? Did you have a nightmare?"
"No, no I'm fine, what's going on?" I asked, moving up, wanting to get put down like a toddler.
He set me down, and held my hand because I had nothing to hold onto to support my leg.
"But there was no nightmares so far?" Anthony asked instead of answering me.
"I'm fine," I added a small laugh to show him I'm fine right now.
"That's good, Ian went on to the road while you were sleeping, and he parked the van on this side of the road," Anthony smiled. We were standing beside the open door to inside the cabin. I looked inside, but nobody was inside. It didn't look like it anyways.
"Where's everyone?"
"They're down by the road, they told me to bring you inside but you woke up, so let's go down shall we?" Anthony grinned, lifting our interlaced hands.

Down by the road, the van was parked on this side of the road. The squad was trying to put the bags inside without touching the pavement. They looked like it was finally time to leave this place.
I wasn't too sure if it will work but it's a good chance. If Ian was able to move the van and I didn't have a nightmare or vision, maybe whatever's going on is wearing off.
"Courtney!" Noah called with a smile. They all stopped for moment smiled and waved and went back to work.
We should try two or more people on the road just to try," I suggested.
"Alright, that sounds fair," Keith nodded, giving Noah a bag and grabbing his arm so he can lean over the road without falling. He threw the bag inside and they repeated. Shayne gave Keith a bag and walked over to Anthony and I.
"Are you ok Court?"
"I'm fine," I answered. He nodded. He stayed a few steps away.
"Ok, I'm gonna.... go back to helping," he said awkwardly. He shuffled away. I took a step forward and tugged on Anthony's hand for him to walk with me.
Noah threw I'm the last of our bags, which I didn't think was the best idea because I don't know if we'll be able to go soon just yet, so we might not get our supplies back for a while. Not painless anyways.
"So we're gonna try two people? And then grow from there?" Anthony asked to make sure. I watched everyone walk up to us, and nodded.
"Who's gonna be the two people?"
"I think I should try this time," I suggested. I wanted to see what would happen if I went up I wanted to try.
"I wanted to try too," Olivia joined.
"Let's go up now,"

I let go of Anthony's hand when we got close enough to the road. I stood straight and limped forward cautiously. Olivia was to my right, and was walking at my pace, watching my steps. I watched the road, and then at the forest ahead.
I saw the path where I had ran into a few days ago. When I was looking for Noah. It was slightly snowed over, but I remembered. I took another step, when my foot was half on the pavement, half on the snow. I held onto my jacket and kept trudging.
We walked side by side until we reached the middle of the road. I stared at the forest, as Olivia turned around.
"Are you ok?" Olivia whispered to me. She leaned near my ear.
"I feel fine," I whispered back.
"Let's go back now," she suggested, still whispering into my ear. She patted my shoulder and started walking back. I took a step backward to turn around but it was my right leg, where the stab wound was. I also stepped onto the patch of ice where Shayne had slipped earlier.
I fell backwards, and hit my head. I felt woozy but I couldn't let myself pass out or anything. I opened my eyes to the fuzzy world and looked up for Olivia. I saw her get pushed from behind. She landed on her front, but on the snow, beside everyone else.
I didn't really process anything. I didn't process my fear like I regularly would have.
"I can't move!" I barely heard. It sounded like havoc after that, but I didn't feel scared whatsoever.
"Get up Courtney,"
That sounded so clear. Like I was in a quiet theatre that has 5 stars on Yelp. My ears ringed, but I heard his voice clearly.
"Stand up Courtney, you're fine," I heard his deep voice again.
"I can't, my leg,"
"You're fine, you won't feel anything on your leg,"
I put my arms out, and tried to sit up. I didn't see anyone ahead of me on the road.
"Just stand up,"
I struggled but I managed to stand again. In the back of my head, I heard the screams and shouts of the squad, but I didn't care about it. Like I had forgotten about it. I didn't look back at them, instead I looked forward, hoping to see who spoke to me so clearly.
"Good," the voice stretched. I think I heard someone walking, in a circle around me. I heard the clicks of his boots on the pavement and the soft crunches when on the snow.
"Who are you?"
"Hunter, believe it or not, I know, such a distasteful name for such an elegant man might I say, my brothers are idiots-" he was saying.
"Why can't I see you?" I asked. I slowly started turning my head to look for the person.
"Look straight, don't move, I didn't say you can move," he scolded in a calm voice. It sounded like he was right behind me.
"Who-where are you?"
"Hunter," he reminded.
"I'd rather not, but who cares what I think, I wouldn't be here if they cared, look forward, and close your eyes first," he said, like he was behind my right shoulder, leaning to speak into my ear like Olivia had.
I heard the shoes, and the crunches again. I closed my eyes, and held my breathe.
It sounded like he had stopped in front of me, I heard him clear his throat.
I opened my eyes.

And saw the black Slenderman monster in front of me.

"I didn't say to open your eyes," he scolded in a more mean voice than his scolding before.
"You don't listen," he said in a loud voice. The monster didn't have a mouth, his voice sounded like it was still close, contrary to the monster's distance ahead of me. His deep calm voice was getting more enraged, breaking and transforming to the monster I had been hearing from this monster originally. His voice changed like Noah's had the first day. He looked like he was gonna tackle me.
I shut my eyes and squeezed them shut. I moved my head back, but didn't dare move.

The noise had reentered my mind. They got louder.
"Courtney! Courtney!" They all repeated.

The monster had tackled me back to the ground. I felt his sharp hands jab onto my sides . I still didn't open my eyes, even as I was on the ground.  He was grabbing my neck, and I felt something hitting my sides. I was suddenly dragged a few feet upwards. It felt like the rocks had cut into my jacket and pants.
"Open your eyes if you're gonna disobey," he barked.
I knew I didn't want to see the demon again, so I didn't open them.
"You're still not listening!" It bursted.

"Courtney!" The shouts got louder and more broken. I heard the sobs and the cries.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I heard Hunter's mad scream.
He let go, and I felt everything again. I opened my eyes, and gripped my torso, and my neck.
"Courtney!" Noah cried.
"Don't go up! She has to come to us!" Anthony told Noah. His voice also sounded like he was crying.
Soon, nobody was crying my name. Just crying now.
"Courtney?" Noah sobbed. "Please come back,"

I lifted my arms from my body, and got myself up. I really felt like I couldn't walk. I looked back at everyone. Noah was on his knees, crying the most. Everybody had tears in their eyes, but it wasn't as much as Noah.
I tried to step up, but I felt my leg again.
Hunter had taken the pain away, but it's back again.
It took a few more minutes, but I got myself back up. I limped back ever so slowly.
They grabbed my arms and tugged me back as soon as I was within reach. They all wrapped their arms around me. I felt tired. I felt sick and tired.
I just wanted to go home.

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