Noah POV

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I was standing outside, thinking about a way to leave. I was thinking, we could sneak through the trees can't we? She can't go on the road? Which is terrifying. When I, was dragged last night, we crossed the road through the trees. She was able to run on it herself, and get to the forest beyond the trees. We were all able.
Her nightmare. Courtney's nightmares, saying she sees us dying. They could be of the future. Is man that she explained, I can't explain it, is he some sort of power? Is he the stick figure creature of torture?
I decided to just go back inside and check on Courtney. She needs security right now.
I walked up the 4 steps of stairs turning the corner to head inside, Ian and Anthony ran past me.
"Guys!" I heard Shayne call after them.
"We just have to try!" Ian called back to him. Shayne ran after them, clearly pissed off. Keith followed outside. I turned around and saw my employers jump in on the road. Shayne shouting at them.
"Noah," someone called my name from behind me. I looked back, behind Keith. I saw Courtney, walking out the door, going past the corner of the house to the right. Ignoring the path.
"Follow me, I have to ask you some things," she told me. Then she started running through the trees. Shayne pushed past me, but then the door slammed on him. I stared at Courtney, who kept running. I projected myself, following her before I lost the path she's taking. Nobody followed me. I heard Shayne banging on the door. I kept running after Courtney.

She slowed down a lot. I was panting. She looked fine, like it didn't affect her. Oh yeah, we just ran probably five miles, no big deal. I should run with her more.
"Sit down, I have some questions for you,"

"If you were to die by drowning today, or getting murdered in a week, which would you rather?" She asked.
"Courtney?" I questioned. I was unsure.
"Just tell me, answer the questions Noah please," she asked, she looked like she was gonna break down. She out a hand over her heart, and opened her mouth to breath better.
"Courtney? Are you ok?"
"If you don't answer the questions Noah, I'm gonna- I don't know, Noah answer them please," she begged. She scrunched her shirt where she held.
"I'd rather be under water," I answered quickly.
"Would you rather a stranger stabbing your leg? Or your best friend stabbing your arm?
"I'd rather a stranger so my-" Courtney cut me off.
"How do you want to die?" She asked like she was innocent.
"Why Courtney? You're scaring me," I told her.
"Noah, it feels like something it squeezing my heart," she complained, holding her chest, and opened her mouth.
"Please Courtney, let's just run back to the cabin, please, we'll settle in the living room and think of something,"
"My name is not Courtney," she stated.
She gave me a devilish grin. She started chuckling.
"I know your names, but you don't know mine,"
"Courtney?" I asked, standing from the rock.
"You're so hopeless, My name is Derek, I'd kill you, but I want to see your face when you see your friend,"
I saw him slowly turn into the monster he is, but before he finished, I turned and ran.

I was barely walking when I got close to the cabin. I know I didn't lose the stick figure. Derek. As long as I'm at this cabin, there is no losing him.
"Guys!" I yelled inside the house. I made my way to the living room, but it was empty.
"Guys! Shayne! Keith! Where are you!" I kept calling. I was checking all of the rooms. I ran to the bottom level.
"Anyone! It's me! Noah!"
I looked around the rooms. Some doors were locked, so I didn't bother them. Then a door's knob started shaking. I watched it.
Someone twisted it open. Courtney came crawling out of room.
"Courtney!" I went next to her. She was coughing, and holding her side, and her leg.
"What happened? What's going on Courtney?"
She kept coughing. I patted her back until she seemed ready to talk.
"I-I-I, I don't know, I-I almost drowned," she started to explain. Did I just?
"And a guy, I don't know who, came up to me and stabbed my leg, he had a hood, I didn't see his face, it was a guy, I know that," she finished, her voice sounded hoarse and low.
"I did this to you," I realized.
"I did it,"
"You, stabbed me and-and-"
"No, I, the guy, did it, I must've accidentally put ideas into his head, I don't know,"
"What do you mean you didn't know!"
"I thought it was just you asking me, you were saying stuff like, answer them, I feel like somethings hurting me, answer them, I don't want you hurt more than you already are Courtney, I'm sorry," I said to her. She was holding onto her wounds, which reminded me that she was still bleeding. I helped her upstairs to the living room, and went to the kitchen in search of a first aid kit.
"Courtney, here I found some gauze, I couldn't find anything else," I handed to here, I also grabbed a knife to cut it.
"Take that away from me," she demanded when I came in with the stuff.
"What? But you need thi-"
"The knife!" She shrieked. I put it on the coffee table where she eyed it.
"I should be more considerate, you just got-"
"Noah, I know what I just got, just be quiet," she sighed.
"I'm sorry," I apologized. She didn't say anything but kept working on her wounds.
"Do you know where everyone else is?"
"No, last I remember is we were in here, then something whacked my head so I fell unconscious, and then I woke up to torture, and here I am now," she retorted. When she finished, I pulled her in for a hug.
"Courtney, I am so sorry, I'll stay on guard, I promise, I don't know why I, I thought it was you, I shouldn't have,"
"I forgot about you, I'm sorry too, turns out, I killed Olivia, but she's fine, and then Olivia saw the thing too, but Anthony protected her, so it's just you and me who faced this thing head on,"
"What do you mean you killed Olivia?"
"I didn't,"
"Then what do you mean?"
She explained to me what had happened after I ran.
"Do you think this is all a dream?" I asked.
"No," she told me.
"It's no unreal though,"
"I mean, it's a nightmare,"

I rewrote the last few chapters a few times so some things might be awkward and doesn't make sense, I think I fixed it, but if I didn't, I fixed it as best as I could.
The last part is not foreshadowing. I promise. Ending everything in a dream is crappy.

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