Noah POV

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I was in a  dream. A happy state. I felt nothing at all, and I was hoping I wouldn't wake up.
I knew I was sleeping, I realized this because the cloudiness of my vision, I felt like I was almost waking up, so I tried not to move at all. I didn't want to wake up. I felt like I was watching a movie, and soon, I left my own eyes, and starting floating over everyone. I saw myself, and the squad playing and having a good time. I wanted to be with them and feel that happiness I usually feel when I'm hanging out with them. I wanted everyone to be in a good place, which we just, weren't in right now. 

I continued watching us play. We were playing online and working together, and laughing together, and joking together. 
Soon enough, Keith made got the winning point, and we won against someone else online. We started cheering, and laughing and joking.
I loved the way we were smiling and looking at each other. These people are my best friends, my second family and it was amazing watching us all be happy together. Everyone stood up and came together for a group hug, which lasted a few seconds. I wish I had my phone to take a picture to keep this moment with me. I wanted to be in this moment. I wanted to feel this happy instead of watching it.
I felt myself waking, and I knew I had to, so I stared at this happiness. I was gonna memorize it so I could wake up and make us this happy.
I am gonna try to make us this happy again.

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