Shayne POV

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"Guys? What's going on?" Anthony asks when he gets out of the van. Ian rolled down his window from the passenger side.
"Anthony! Guys, come inside, please, you have to listen to Noah and Courtney, hurry up," Keith called out to them, running to the stairs but not coming down them. Then ran back out of view. I ran out behind him, staying outside when he ran inside.
"Don't step on the road-" I began, but I saw where Anthony was already standing. Anthony looked down. He was standing right in the middle of the road, beside his parked car.
"Get off of there! Get inside, and get off of there!" I yelled, I admit, I started freaking out and was gonna run towards them, but then decided it would be better check on Courtney.
"Courtney!" I yelled, running inside.
"What's going on!" I heard Anthony yell behind me.

Noah and Courtney explained their first encounter. Ian and Anthony looked like they didn't believe us. It would make sense, I don't believe it still, I saw it and experience, but the events are so unbelievable. We don't even have proof, there is no marks. There's nothing.
"You have to believe us, you should've seen it, we have one way to prove it, but it literally tortures Courtney, we can't do that to her," Noah pleaded. Courtney looked around, scared of the fact that we might have to prove to Ian and Anthony by going on by the mystical road.
"No, don't do that please," Courtney asked us, looking at everyone.
"It's ok Courtney, we won't,"
"Wait, tell us about the road,"
The squad looked at Courtney. She looked guiltily at the floor.
"Whenever we go onto the road, whenever we try to leave, Courtney seems to pass out or something, she wakes up screaming, she has nightmares, she says she has visions, but they're not visions." I explain.
"Can you look into the future?" Ian asks. He looked serious.
Courtney shook her head, her eyes widened. She looked to the floor again, closing her eyes. "No! No they're not of the future, they can't be of the future!" She said. She kept shaking her head, then she wrapped her arms around her head, laying down on the couch.
"What? What's going on?" Ian asked. Worried what he said might have upset Courtney.
Suddenly, Courtney started sobbing once again. Ian looked around, confused.
"He talks to me," Courtney wailed. Looking at everyone. Everyone heard what she said, we're just waiting for her to elaborate.
"He said, just wait, he-he said, just wait," she cried. She looked at Ian and Anthony. "And now you're here, and now it's gonna happen," she explained, still crying. Anthony looked scared, but he still held a straight face.
"I don't understand," Anthony said a few minutes later.
"Who said what? Courtney, who said it?" Olivia asked.
"A guy with a big, loud, voice. I didn't see him, I heard him, in the, visions, and I heard him before when the stick figure, beat me up,"
"Explain what happened just before we got here," Ian looked at Courtney. She calmed down significantly.

She finished a while ago, we told her to lay down, she didn't want to, so Keith and Olivia are on watch.
"It doesn't make sense though," Anthony was saying.
"Courtney, she-I believe them Anthony," Ian told him.
"I don't know, I think we should just go," Anthony instructed, speaking low.
"No, we can't do that, it's gonna hurt Courtney," I budded in.
"Actually, based on what you said, she passed out, she didn't get hurt, we have to see if she wakes up if we leave,"
"I don't like the sound of that," I said to him.

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