Courtney POV

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Yes, another Courtney POV, sorry not sorry

I didn't trust him. Not if some pain is gonna turn him against me. If anything, I'd be rebelling against the whole group here if that was the case.

I had a dream, not a nightmare, maybe a vision. When I was sleeping, I dreamt Shayne and I, walking to the road in the morning, holding hands, and we step on the road. Then a big black truck drives by, just as we step onto the road. They stop and ask us if we're ok. It was a big guy driving and a woman beside him, he looked like a professional wrestler and she looked like a model. There was two kids in the back, they stop and ask us if we're ok, and we get help.
So then I woke up, and I thought it was a vision also, so I'm trying to make that vision come true. That's why I chose to wake Shayne up instead of Noah or Ian or Anthony. If I didn't have the dream, it'd probably be Ian or I'd still be sleeping. I'd let Noah sleep because I'm making him stick this out with me, and I just want him to sleep.
I grab Shayne's hand, and he smiles at me, and squeezes. I take a breathe in, and take the lead onto the road. But I couldn't do it, I barely took a step onto it, before getting weak in the knees, and getting very sleepy.

I woke up, but I didn't open my eyes. I felt the melted snow on my jacket as I was still laying in the snow. Where's Shayne?

It was hard to open my eyes, not over a pounding headache. I felt like I was hungover.
I opened my eyes, it was still bright, and the road was silent, but there was a slight whistle of the wind in the trees. Slowly, I pulled myself up, I was shivering. I tried getting up, when I felt a lot of pain coming from my leg. It was bleeding, my wound must've been reopened! I clutched it and limped to the cabin. On top of the stairs, I looked back, keeping an eye out for Shayne.
I shouldn't have chose him. I made my way back to the cabin, and opened the door. When I almost fell inside, and when I held onto the door knob, there was immense heat coming from the kitchen. That's when I saw the fire. The fire eating everything starting from the kitchen that was growing towards the lobby, and heading to the living room right beside it.
"Guys! Noah! Anthony! Olivia! Wake up!" I tried yelling to the sleeping people in the living room. "Wake up!" I shouted, trying to move from my spot, but I was losing balance.
"Wake up!" I kept shouting. I let go of be knob and tried to limp down the single step in the lobby, and then I fell forwards.
"Wake up!" I shouted desperately. I started crying at the sight of the fire trapping the whole gang inside the living room. The fire spread throughout the lobby, and I was laying on the floor. I didn't care, if they die, then take me too.

"She's waking up," I heard someone say excitedly.
"Courtney? Wake up," I heard again, which made me try to open my eyes. I was for sure not laying in the snow, I didn't have a headache, but I felt pressure around my leg.
I opened my eyes slightly. I saw immediately some faces relax when they saw me. Noah was right in front of me.
"Courtney? Are you ok?" He asked. I stared at his eyes, I didn't feel like talking, I didn't feel like doing anything. I don't know what I wanted.
"Courtney?" I heard Anthony, he was standing above me.
I stared up at him too. I just breathed.
"Courtney? Can you talk?" Olivia asked. She was standing right beside Anthony. She's probably going to stay near him because he's protected her twice. Twice she avoided this demon. It's unfair.
"Can we go home?" I asked, but words barely left my mouth, and when they did, they sounded deep and hoarse. I felt like I hadn't spoke in years.
"We tried Courtney," Shayne spoke up. He was sitting on a couch. I sat up, and realized I was on a mattress. We were in the living room.
"What happened?" I croaked.
"We, almost stepped onto the road, and then you fell right beside me, I picked you up and then you kept kicking at me, and wouldn't let me take you back inside, I admit, I had to leave you in the snow for a minute tops until someone else came to take you inside. You didn't let me try to help you," he explained. He sounded like he was gonna cry. I still kept a straight face. Even me awake probably wouldn't have let him take me inside, I wouldn't have liked it.
"Can we try again?" I asked. They all looked at each other.
"Are you sure? You didn't get hurt?"
I hummed in acceptance. "Shayne didn't hurt me," I stated, he didn't hurt me physically.
"But did you get a... nightmare?" Ian asked, choosing his words carefully. I shook my head, trying to stand up to go back outside to try to go home again.
"No Courtney no!" Noah warned, but I felt the pain in my leg, and fell back down. I moved my leg to see it better. It was wrapped in bloody gauze over my pants.
"It opened again," Ian told me, a harmful look on his face. Just like my dream.
"Shayne, check the oven," I demanded. He looked at me, and then ran to the kitchen.
"What's going on?" Noah asked, looking at everyone starting with me.
"Me and Shayne made ourselves breakfast, and I had a dream just before, where you all were sleeping and a fire overtook you all," I explained the gist of my dream. "I thought it came from the oven, we probably left it on,"
"It's not on Courtney," Shayne advised.
"Why did you think the oven was on?" Keith joined the conversation. He must've been just listening before.
"In my dream, my wound opened up, I thought maybe it was slowly coming true,"
"We're fine Courtney, if anything, we gotta protect you," Anthony claimed. He smiled at me.
"Can we try again to go home?" I asked finally.

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