Anthony POV

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Olivia sat beside me on the couch in the living room.
"When do you think we'll go home?" Olivia asked tirelessly.
"I don't know," I replied. I didn't know what was gonna happen. I didn't know when we could do anything. Today was a bad day. Just like the last few. At this point, I didn't want to give false hope in my words.
"What are the guys doing outside?"
"I'm sorry Olivia, but I just don't give a shit right now," I told her with my eyes closed while my head rested on the back of the couch.
"Do you want to die?"
"Olivia?!" I busted, I shot up immediately.
"Well I'm sorry, but you seem like you want to, you shouldn't, it was just 3 days here,"
"2," I corrected. I went back to the position I was in before.
"I'm not gonna look for it, but if the situation comes up, I'm too exhausted to say no," Olivia confessed. I opened my eyes to look at her. She was kind of in the same position I was in. Eyes closed and resting against the back of the couch. She looked like she was gonna fall asleep. So I didn't bother.

Soon enough, Olivia had steadied her breathing and had gotten comfortable. She was sleeping.
I didn't want to sleep, I just wanted to regain my energy.
I sat up and inspected my arms, legs and body. There was no marks. I stood up, and was gonna check on everyone else.
I took another look at Olivia. Still breathing. The thing I kept thinking about is someone pointing a gun at her head, and she would nod.
Noah was laying on the floor, on his back as his arms were resting on top of him. He looked more calm, maybe asleep. Hopefully having a good dream.
Courtney however, looked like she was quietly sobbing over him. She was laying on her stomach, resting her head over her folded arms. She looked like she was crying, which I heard so silently.
Noah looked like he was breathing. He looked fine.
"Courtney? What's wrong?" I called to her. She looked up at me with red, puffy eyes.
"He saw the demon, he saw me, and we fought before, I'm hurting him," she was definitely holding back a cry.
"But it's not you, it's Derek, or Axel or something, the thing that should calm everyone down about it, is knowing that wouldn't,"
"Anthony?" She asked. Tears still sliding down from her eyes. I looked into her eyes in response. I nodded when she didn't continue.
"I'm hurting everyone, the cabin is making me mad, and I'm taking it out on everyone else,"
"Everyone is getting mad at every-" I started to say. But something stopped me, I felt the feeling of something stabbing into my side. Courtney noticed me slightly getting pushed from my side.
"What's going on?" She asked.
I looked to where the pain was coming from. I lifted my shirt, but there was nothing there. I looked back at Courtney, who was just eyeing the spot where I lifted my shirt, trying to understand what I was doing.
I tried to say something, but they sounded like failed breathes.
I put my hand over the spot, but there was nothing there. Courtney stood up and walked close to me. She slowed down, and looked up at me. She straghtened out and put her hands into her jean pockets.
"Are you ok?" She asked. She had stopped crying and looked like she was calm and normal already.
"Just sit down, do you wanna go to the living room?" She asked, suddenly more cautious in what had happened to me, more so than the last minute.
"No, I'll sit here," I groaned. I sat down, and rubbed my side. Courtney bended down, still checking on the spot.
"Are you gonna be ok?" She asked. She didn't look like she cared.
"I'll be fine, I'm sure-" I started to say but Courtney interrupted.
"Because I don't think you will be,"
Then Courtney had took something out if her pockets, which appeared to be a pocketknife. She whipped it out, and moved quickly to the spot of my pain on my side. I felt it stab into me. It felt just like before, when I felt the nothing stab me, except this time, it was a real knife. Which was gonna actually affect me afterwards.
Courtney had pulled it out and stepped aside. I had my arms around the wound, and blood was staining them instantly.
"Court-Court....ney," I tried saying, but they were huffs and sounded wet. I had leaned backwards, moving my wound upwards. I kept watching the blood stain my clothes and my attempts to stop it was poor.
I looked up, and Courtney wasn't there. I didn't think much of it, because the pain sent my mind into overdrive so I wasn't thinking at all.
The blood didn't stop, and then I started coughing. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth, and that's when I lost it. I closed my eyes and I don't remember falling asleep.

Short chapters lately but that shouldn't be a problem! Enjoy the book and if you still don't understand something, I'm online a lot! Message me or leave a comment!

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