Chapter 2

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Wander. That's all I could do. Not only in the physical sense, but mentally. I had no where to go, no one to call and I didn't have the first clue of what to do.

After two hours of literally carrying around everything I own, my arms were spent. I soon elected to sit at nearby bus stop to give myself some rest. No one seemed to give me a second glance out of the fear that I'd ask them for money. I didn't blame them. I could only imagine I looked like a homeless woman carrying these garbage bags. Not to mention how sweaty and tired I felt, so I was sure I reflected just that.

What did I do that was so wrong to land me in this position?

I probably sat at the bus stop for about 20 minutes before deciding to head to work. Just maybe I could make enough tips to stay in a motel or something tonight.

"What you bring all dis' baggage in mi restaurant fa?" Ms. Fay boomed in her thick accent as soon as I stepped through the doors of the Caribbean Shack.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Fay! I'm going through a lot right now and my aunt just kicked me out. Can I please just put it in the back and I promise you'll never see it again. Please." I ranted out in a breath.

I could actually see her going back and forth with herself as she looked between me and my bags. After much debating with herself, she finally gave in and shooed me along.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I said dropping my bags as I attempted to wrap my arms around her much larger frame.

"Okay! Gwan to work fore mi change mi mind!" I quickly unlatched from her, thanking her one last time for good measure, and hauled my bags off towards the broom closet for safe keep.

Four hours later the restaurant was closed and my shift came to an end. As we were busy cleaning the restaurant for the next business day Ms. Fay spoke up and asked the question that had been on my mind all day.

"Where ya gwan stay ta'night?"

"Um... well... I don't really know to be completely honest with you. I was thinking about just getting a room on Pratt street unt-"

"You an idiot?" She cut me off. "Ya know dem junkie be all ova ya if ya go dere!"

"I don't think you understand me. I have nowhere to go, Ms. Fay." I reiterated to her.

We sat there for a moment in an awkward silence until she broke it with a deep, almost regretful, sigh.

"Ya stay with me ta'nite." She broke almost regretfully. "I know a man that will help ya find a place, but probably need ta get anotha job as well. I pay ya fair, but it won't be enough. Ya undastand?"

I responded with a weak nod.

I took me a while to process everything: an apartment, two jobs, graduate and finish up cosmetology school on top of all of that. I had a lot on my plate, but what other choice did I really have?

. . .

Staying at Ms. Fay's house actually  wasn't bad at all. However, she made it perfectly clear that it was a one time thing. And it was understandable; can't take in every stray you come in contact with.

Today, was gonna be the first day that I was completely on my own. Everything that I needed, I would have to provide for myself.

Realizing that I couldn't sit around here all day, I got up and prepared myself to get the day started and to school. Ms. Fay made breakfast and sent me on my way telling me that I could leave my bags there until I finished work. Thanking her, I left her home, only to return for my things.

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