Chapter 27

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We rode in silence all the way back to my condo.

As soon as I stepped through the door I made a beeline to my room. In my bedroom, all of the emotions that I tried to keep bottled up exploded and I had no control over them.

My body work faster than my mind when I picked up the closest thing I could find, which just so happened to be a Yankee candle, and threw it across the room, smashing my mirror into a million pieces in the process.

Not even two seconds later, Aiden ran into the room and grabbed me, pulling me into his chest. All of my muscles gave out and I just fell into him. He picked me up bridal style and brought me into the living room, away from all of the broken glass, and just allowed me to be the emotional wreck that I was. I bawled into his chest as he rubbed my back soothingly.

I eventually wore myself out with all the crying, and fell asleep in his arms.

. . .

When I woke up, I was no longer in the living room, but tucked into my bed with Rocko snuggled into my stomach.

When did he get here?

How long had I been asleep?

Where is Aiden?

I rolled out of bed and immediately noticed my mirror was no where to be found and all of the glass had been picked up. It was almost as if it were never there.

As soon as I opened my bedroom door, Aiden's head snapped up from his phone and in my direction.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey." My voice was so hoarse that I barely recognized it as my own.

"How you feeling?" I walked over to the couch and plopped down next to him, placing my head on his shoulder.

"Like shit."

Aiden threw his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Everything is gonna be alright."

"How can you even say that, Aiden? My mom is a fucking fiend, my sister is a fiend, people are trying to kill you, and on top of all of that, I look like a freaking whale."

Aiden swooped me up and positioned me onto his lap where I was straddling him.

"First of all, no one is trying to kill me. I told you I'd take care of it, and I did. Secondly, you have absolutely no control over what other people choose to do with their lives. You can offer help, and if they accept, great. If not, that's on them, not you. You did all that you could."

I looked down at my chipped nails and twiddled my fingers.

He grabbed my hands into his much larger ones, placing a kiss on each one. "And lastly, you are the sexiest whale I have ever seen in my life."

I rolled my eyes at him as he went to attack my neck with his plump lips. Heat immediately made its way to the surface of my skin as he ravished my body. A moan escaped my lips and it only encouraged him more.

Once I got the chance to think clearly, I pushed him away.

"No, you're the reason we're in this position in the first place." I stated pointing down at my protruding belly.

"What do you mean I'm the reason?" He said with trying to hide his smile.

"I mean your pull out game is trash."

He faked as if he was hurt before the smirk returned to his face, making his dimples appear.

"Who said I was trying to pull out?"

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