Chapter 18

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"So, how long have you and my son been together?" Mr. Morello asked trying to cut through some of the thick tension that lingered in the room.

"Um... maybe about three months." I answered, playing with my fingers.

"Wow." He had a shocked expression on his face. "And you haven't gotten tired of him yet?"

Aiden smacked his lips and I laughed. "Not yet."

Just as the tension began to lurk back into the room a timer went off in the kitchen and Miss Belle got up and ushered me along with her.

Saved by the bell, literally.

I was grateful for the distraction and followed behind her.

Once we entered the spacious kitchen, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"You okay?" She asked is she took chicken Parmesan out of the oven.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said more so trying to convince myself.

"You haven't said one word to him, baby. Let me tell you, it's just as hard for him as it is for you. Maybe harder." I don't know how much I believed that. "He has to sit across from you and see how beautiful and intelligent you are. And he has to live with the fact that he missed out on watching you grow into the strong young woman that you are today."

I continued to gather things to help set the table.

"I know you're upset with him, but trust me. Yani would never abandon his family if he didn't have a good enough reason to do so. You gotta remember that that is your dad."

"He's not my dad. He may have donated his sperm for my creation, therefore deeming him my father, but he's done nothing to earn the title of 'dad' from me."

She nodded in understanding before carrying the pan to the grand dining area. I busied myself setting the table as Miss Belle and the guys brought the rest of the food in.

We took our seats and Miss Belle prayed over the food before we dug into the feast in front of us. For a while the only noises that could be heard were the clinking of utensils on plates.

Aiden had been holding my hand ever since we sat down and gave it a little squeeze every now and then. We made small talk throughout dinner. Mr. Morello tried bringing Yani into the conversation, but he didn't say much out of fear of saying the wrong thing. After much forced conversation, we were done with dinner.

Miss Belle and I went outside to sit around their glass fire pit while the guys cleaned. Aiden came out first, followed by the older guys. He took a seat beside me on the bench and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap.

"You good?" He asked placing a kiss on my shoulder.


"Give him a chance, babe. Never in my life have I seen Yani this nervous. You got him shook." He whispered.

"But, I haven't done anything."

"Trust me. You being here is enough." He said before placing a kiss on my temple.

It began to get late and I was starting to get sleepy, but I wanted -- scratch that -- needed to talk to this man before I left, or it would never happen.

Suddenly, I lifted my head from Aiden's shoulder and stood, stretching out.

"Can I talk to you?" I questioned, referring to Yani. He nodded quickly before putting his drink down and following me to the other end of the spacious backyard. I found a little chill out area surrounded by flowers and a man made water fall.

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