Chapter 31

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I had managed to get AJ to bed hours ago and he was sleeping peacefully in the next room. I had gotten up at least five times to check on him because I worried that the baby monitor was malfunctioning.

Once I got back into bed for the last time Aiden, tired of my constant movement, adjusted his body on top of mine so that his head was resting on my chest and the rest of his body was between my legs. We hadn't been able to lay like this since I found out I was pregnant and it proved to be really comforting.

"He's okay, Devyn." He assured deeply, sleep evident in his voice.

Letting out a deep breath, I rubbed my fingers through his hair and stared at the burnt-orange moon through the floor length windows.

Once he noticed I was still restless, Aiden began rubbing his hands along my side in attempts to calm me down. "You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

I shook my head even though he couldn't see me in the dimly lit room.

When I didn't answer him quick enough, he propped himself up and reached for the table lamp to my right, effectively illuminating the room and momentarily blinding us both. After our eyes adjusted to the bright light, Aiden removed himself from his previous position and  sat up against the headboard. I remained in my slouched position until he pulled me between his legs with my back resting against his front.

"Talk to me." He said before wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

I turned my body slightly and laid my head onto his hard chest and listened to his steady heartbeat as I thought of the least complicated way to explain my dilemma.

"I'm just overwhelmed right now."

"How so?" He questioned.

"I'm not even sure I know what to do with one baby, and now I potentially have to take care of two. I swear Erin is just like our fucking mom and so tired of bailing her out of shit."

Aiden's face scrunched in confusion. "Wait, what?"

After I got off of the phone with Erin, I completely shut down and didn't have a chance to explain to him what was going on.

I let out a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Erin." Even saying her name left a bitter taste in mouth. "She's in jail and apparently she's seven months pregnant. She called to ask me if I would take care of her baby while she's locked up." I shook my head at how absurd the whole situation sounded out loud.

There was a long pause before he finally spoke.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I really don't know, to be completely honest. She's been shooting up for lord knows how long, so when the baby is born he's bound to be going through withdrawals and I don't know if I can stand to watch him go through something like that. But, then again, he's my nephew. No matter how fucked up his mom is, he shouldn't have to be punished for her shit by being put into foster care where they won't give a fuck about him."

"Does she have any idea who the baby's father is?"

I let out a harsh laugh. "That's doubtful."

Aiden seemed to be in deep thought about something, but didn't speak on it.

"Well, I'm tired. Goodnight."

As soon as I attempted to go back to my previous laying position Aiden tightened his grip, disallowing for me to move.

I turned to face him. "What?"

"No goodnight kiss?"

I rolled my eyes at him before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his plump lips. When I tried to break it, he only held me tighter and deepened it. We stayed there tongue wrestling until Aiden's hands began to roam. As much as I hated to, I pulled away from his intoxicating lips.

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