Chapter 4

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I could believe my eyes. This couldn't be who they were claiming the boss was, but the eerie silence in the room told me otherwise.

He was dressed simply with a white button up shirt and a pair of navy dress pants. Everything about him screamed expensive and he carried himself like he owned the world. He looked completely different from the other day when he was hanging out on the side of the street.

I knew I'd see him again.

The little smirk he sent my way snapped me out of my trance and made me realize I was staring, more like ogling, at him... again. Quickly, I snapped my head down towards the older lady I had in the shampoo bowl and began rinsing the thick perm out of her hair.

Porsha and "Mr. Bossman" passed my current station and soon enough I heard the opening and closing of Miss Belle's office door. As soon as the door closed a sigh of relief seemed to come from all around and the chatter started back up, not missing a beat.

"Oh my god! The things I would do to that one!" One lady said while fanning herself.

"He's one of the main reasons I come in here on Fridays. If only I were about 15 years younger... Mmm mm!" An almost completely gray haired lady cooed.

"Child you know he was looking at the newbie over there. She ain't been here 3 hot minutes and already taking our man that ain't paid us no attention in the 2 years he's been coming in this place." A tall, skinny, light skin stylist named Vivica said while rolling her eyes at me.

Before I could respond Porsha butted in on the conversation, "Viv you trippin', if anything he was looking at me and this fat ass that was in front of him." She said while winking at me.

This statement alone caused and uproar of rebuttals and responses from everyone within earshot.

At this point I just wanted to remove myself from the situation. So, I hurried to wrap the clients hair, stuck her under the dryer and made a beeline to the break room. It was peaceful in here considering everyone either went out to eat or ate at their stations -- which I thought was pretty gross by the way.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and leaned against the counter enjoying the peace and quiet of the empty room. Well, until it wasn't so empty anymore.

"Hey." A deep voice rang out causing me to literally jump out of my daydreaming state.

"Uh... Hey." I said at barely a whisper. I'm surprised he even heard me.

He chuckled to himself at my shyness and slowly began to approach me with an extended hand.

"I'm Aiden, but most people just call me Ace. I don't believe we've met."

The closer he got, the more attractive he got and the more nervous he made me. His freshly cut hair was neat with the curls that sat on top of his head. I could tell that he took care of his body from his blemish free skin to the muscle definition that peeked through his clothes. That, in conjunction with the intoxicating scent of his cologne was enough to have any woman bending to his every will, I was sure.

Eventually, he lowered his hand from my lack of response and tucked them into his pockets. He smirked while curiously raising an eyebrow. "Do you have a name, Love?"

I shook my head attempting to shake some of the nerves and snap myself of the spell that this man managed to put me under.

"Yeah, sorry. I-I'm Devyn."

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