Chapter 17

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The only things I felt were anger and betrayal.

Anger, because the man that was supposed to be my father was not only alive and well, but he was right under my nose and knew about me the entire time. He actually looked to be doing quite well for himself, yet he allowed me and my sister to struggle in hell holes with our mother and Aunt while he was out doing lord knows what.

He was officially dead to me.

I began walking down the long driveway when I heard footsteps running after me.

"Devyn. Wait." Aiden called after me, but I ignored him and continued walking. He eventually caught up and stepped in front of me making me stop in my tracks.

"Move, Ace." I hadn't called him Ace since the first time I met him and it caught him off guard when I did.

"Baby, just let me explain, please." He said reaching out to grab my waist.

"Do not touch me!" I yelled at him as I backed out of his reach.

Tears were streaming down my face at this point and my vision was beginning to get blurred from the new pool of tears building up. Even through the tears I could still see the pained expression on his face.

"Devyn, please just listen to me." He begged.

"You know what? I'm finding it really hard to listen to anything you have to say to me. You sat in front of me on while I told you how I didn't know who or where this man was and not once did you speak up." I let out a harsh laugh, "And you expect me to believe that you love me?"

He sighed deeply. "I do love you, Devyn."

"If loving me consists of you lying to me about something as serious as this, I don't want it."

I was finally able to get around him while he let the words sink in, and walked off of the premises. I walked until I found a bus stop.

Three hours and four buses later, I made it home. Without even taking my clothes off, I got into bed and cried until I had no more tears left and fell asleep.

. . .

A couple of weeks had gone by like routine.

I had successfully ignored Aiden. All of his phone calls went unanswered and his texts went unread. I had even gone as far as taking everything that belonged to him out of my apartment, including the necklace he had given me, and gave it to Miss Belle. She could either give it to him or he could pick it up when he would come to the salon.

I didn't care.

I acted as if I didn't even notice his presence whenever he would come into the salon.

It was almost closing time and I was finishing my last client's hair. I grabbed a broom out of the closet and swept my station of all of the hair, real and synthetic, scattered around. Afterwards, I straightened my booth and grabbed my purse in preparation to leave.

"Dev." I heard Porsha call.

"Yes ma'am?" I answered.

She was always stopping me when I wanted to leave.

"Miss Belle wanna talk to you before you leave." She said popping her gum.

I groaned internally. Miss Belle was adamant about me talking to her son and wasn't going to leave me alone until I did.

"Okay." I said heading to her office to get her lecture over with.

I knocked on her door and she announced for me to come in.

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