Chapter 30

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I laid in the hospital bed, recovering from that gruesome water birth that I had only hours prior. The pediatric nurse had already done all of the necessary tests and paperwork for the baby and everything checked out. Turns out he was an extremely healthy, eight pound baby.

Currently, he and his dad were laying across the long, tan couch taking a much needed nap together. It was a picture perfect moment that I made sure to get the nurse to snap for me.

Just as I went to close my eyes to get some rest, a light knock sounded on the door and it opened, revealing a beaming Miss Belle.

"Hey, baby." Miss Belle greeted. She came over and kissed me on my forehead.

"Hey." I greeted, sleep apparent in my voice.

"How are you feeling?" She rubbed the top of my head, pushing the stray hairs down.

"I feel like I just pushed out an eight pound baby."

"Eight!?" She exclaimed, causing Aiden to stir a bit.

"Yes ma'am. Eight whole pounds." I shook my head thinking back to the labor.

"Wow. And I thought Aiden's seven pounds was awful. I can only imagine."

I shook my head once again. "You don't want to."

"Can I hold him?" She asked looking into the empty bassinet. "Where is he?"

I nodded towards Aiden. "If you can get him to share."

She looked in the direction of the couch and I could tell the sight was pulling at her heart strings. I completely understood, her baby was holding his own baby.

She left my side and walked over to where her son and grandson were sleeping, peacefully. After successfully waking Aiden up, she reached down and picked up the sleeping baby from off of his chest. She rocked him for a moment, before taking a seat in the rocking chair in the corner.

Aiden sat up straight and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before getting up and stretching out his long limbs.

"You okay?" He asked approaching my bedside.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

His phone chimed and he glanced at the screen before sliding it back into his pocket. He let out a deep, frustrated breath and rubbed the hair on top of his head, making the curls even more wild than they were before.

"I gotta run out and handle something real quick. Y'all gonna be okay here?"

"Go on. We'll be alright. Your dad and Yani are on their way over here anyways." Miss Belle spoke up, not once taking her eyes off of her new grandson.

Aiden nodded and stepped over to me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Get some rest. I'll be back soon."

With that, he walked over to his mother and kissed her and the baby goodbye before exiting the room.

"So, what'd two you name him?"

"We decided to make him a junior."

"Well, Aiden Israel Morello Jr. it's nice to finally meet you. You can call me anything but grandma. I'm too young for that."

. . .

Ace's POV

On today of all days.

I couldn't enjoy the birth of my first born for more than a few hours before I was hit up with some bullshit.

I jogged down to my Jeep and hit the highway to meet up with a few trustworthy members my crew. This was an extremely sensitive matter that I needed to handle, so I cut out all of the distractions and rode in complete silence until I pulled up to the warehouse on the other side of town.

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