Chapter 23

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Feeling an emptiness, I woke up to discover Aiden was no longer laying next to me in bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as they tried to adjust to the dark room. It was late and the fact that he was gone concerned me considering all that had been going on.

After swinging my legs over the side of the bed, my feet made contact with the cold, hardwood floor. I made my way out of the room and went downstairs in search of Aiden. I followed his voice, which led me into his office. Once he saw me he finished up his phone call before walking over to me.

"You okay?" He questioned with a concerned look.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" He was obviously stressed out. It was written all over his face.

He ran his hands down his face before responding. "Yeah, I'm good. You should be getting some rest though."

"Only if you come with me." I protested wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I'll be up in a minute, I have to handle something real quick."

I nodded. "Well, I'll wait for you then."

Before he could protest I went into the living room and plopped onto the couch, making myself comfortable.

He made at least three more calls before emerging from his office and joining me.

"You ready?"

"Mhm." I responded, barely able to keep my eyes open.

He laughed lightly before scooping me off of the couch and carrying me up the stairs. After placing me onto my side of the bed, he got in and pulled me into him.

"Goodnight baby." He said into my ear after kissing my shoulder.

"Night." After that, I was out like a light.

. . .

The next morning I woke to an empty bed, yet again.

Does this guy ever sleep?

Instead of going to look for him, I went into the bathroom to make myself somewhat presentable. After showering, brushing my teeth, and throwing my hair into a bun, I exited the bathroom and changed into a pair of shorts and my cuffed Hillman College t-shirt.

I made up the bed and straightened the rest of the room before going downstairs.

As soon as I got to the final step I heard multiple voices, along with Rocko's extremely loud barking, coming from the kitchen. Once I stepped in, I was met by Aiden and a girl that strongly resembled Tika Sumpter.

She was gorgeous to say the least.

"Hey, babe." Aiden greeted as he strolled over and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Hey." I said with a bit of confusion laced in my voice. He followed my eyes over to the mystery woman and immediately pulled me over to her.

"Devyn, this is my homegirl Seneca. Seneca, this is my girlfriend, Devyn."

"Nice to finally meet you." She said with and unreadable expression on her face.


Something told me to watch this one closely. She may have been his homegirl, but I didn't know her, nor did I really care to. It may have been selfish for me to not even give her a chance, but something about her just didn't sit well with me and my intuition had never failed me.

I guess Aiden felt the tension building and tried to ease it.

"So, I've known Seneca since... damn, it's been about ten years, right?" He asked her.

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