Chapter 8

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"Sooo... I think I'm good. You can go now."

"You never answered my question though." Ace retorted folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the nearest wall.

God, this man here.

"What exactly was your question again?" I responded, crossing my arm over my chest as well.

"Why don't you have any furniture?"

I thought about telling him, but what did it sound like me telling him 'well, my sister fucked my aunt's boyfriend so she kicked us both out and left us to fend for ourselves. Oh, and I don't have enough money to afford furniture. I barely had enough to buy a bed.'?

Yeah, no. He's cute and all, but I still didn't know him.

"Well, you know, the funny thing about questions is that you always have the option not to answer them." I said with a slight smirk in which he only returned.

"Okay, okay. Fair enough."

"How old are you?" I randomly blurted out, mentally slapping myself a thousand times.

He thought about it a little with an amused look on his face.

"See, I would give you a bullshit response like you just gave me, but I think you're pretty cute so I'll give you an actual answer." I swear, in that moment, my face turned the brightest shade of red. "I just turned 18."

"Really?" This surprised me.

"Yeah, why? Do I look old or something?" He joked.

"No, no. Nothing like that. I've just never seen a 18 year old with a business or driving the cars you do." This made him chuckle a little.

"Well, if you were in my line of work you'd probably see it a lot more often." He stared at me almost waiting for my next question, but when he realized that I had nothing to say he continued. "Granted, they may not be as attractive as me, they can pull out some pretty impressive whips."

I laughed at his antics and nodded in response.

"So... How old are you?" I guess it was only fair to ask me the same. Even though I was sure he already knew the answer to that question as well as everything else, seeing as he and his mother had already researched my entire existence.

"I'm 17." He nodded. "Even though I'm sure you already knew that."

"You're right. Just looking for a way to talk to you a little longer." He admitted.

"And I would love that," His eyes lit up "...but, it's getting late and I have class in the morning. So, you sir, have to go."

Ace looked down at his watch and frowned at the realization.

"Okay, you win this time." He spoke as he walked towards the door.

"All I do is win... that was corny. Act like I didn't even say that." My face immediately burned with embarrassment.

Opening the door he turned around smiling and I could've sworn my heart stopped for a fraction of a second.

"You have a great rest of the night, beautiful."

"You do the same, Mr. Ace."

"It's Aiden to you." He winked and turned to leave the complex.

I closed the door behind him, smiling so hard I thought my lips were going to crack.

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