Chapter 24

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What has my life come to?

I used to be so independent. I had my own place, my own car, hell, I had a job. Now I was stuck with nothing. I was currently living with my father -- that I just recently found out was my father. Not to mention I was pregnant by my ex, again.

Shit had hit the fan and splattered.

Even though I was a little over two months pregnant, I made a promise to myself that now was the time to get myself together. If not for anyone else, my unborn child at the very least. I absolutely refused to have my baby grow up without stability, like I was forced to.

Pulling myself from the extremely comfortable bed, I went to the connecting bathroom and made myself presentable for the first time in a while.

Dressed in a simple pair of jeans, a white top, and a long yellow cardigan, I made my way downstairs where the smell of food was calling my name.

My stomach was barely visible, but at the rate I was eating, it wouldn't be long before I was showing.

Entering the kitchen, I could see Yani standing near the stove making breakfast.

"Morning." I greeted, gaining his attention for a split second.

"Good morning, princess. You look nice today." He pulled a few pancakes from the griddle and placed them on a plate along with scrambled eggs and a few pieces of turkey bacon.


He came over to me and placed the plate down in front of me before looking at me skeptically.

"Why are you so dressed up today?" He asked as I drowned my pancakes in syrup.

I took a bite of my food before responding, "I'm gonna look for a job and maybe a place to stay."

His eyes widened a bit at the news.

"Really? You know you don't have to? Anything you need, I can get it for you, baby."

I shook my head. "And that's the problem. I have never relied on anyone for anything and I just can't see myself starting now, especially not with this baby on the way. I have no choice but to get my shit together."

Yani took a deep breath. "Have you spoken to Ace?"

I rolled my eyes at the mention of his name. Once I left, he blew up my phone with calls and texts like it was his job. Eventually, I just turned the phone off and it hasn't been on since.

"Nope." I answered simply.

"You do know this is just as much his baby as it is yours, right? I'm sure he's just worried about you." He said carefully.

"Well, you know what? He probably should've thought about that before he stuck his tongue down another woman's throat." I pushed the plate away from myself before getting up. My appetite was long gone by now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I know how it feels to have your child taken away from you."

"I gotta go," I said preparing myself to leave, "I'll be back a little later."

He let out a deep sigh before coming around the island and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Here." He handed me the keys to his black Range Rover. "You are not about to take the bus."

I took the keys from his hands.

"Oh, and Belle said that your place in the shop is still open whenever you want it." I looked at him skeptically. "I think you should take her up on that offer."

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