Chapter 25

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"Ouch!" I pulled my foot away from Aiden. He claimed to me massaging my feet but he was too heavy-handed for my liking.

I was approaching my sixth month of pregnancy and I was just starting to show. Even though I was pretty far along, my small frame didn't allow for the bump to be shown until recently.

I personally thought I looked like a blowpop. All of the weight went straight to my stomach, and my back was suffering because of it.

"I'm sorry."

"You're done." I planted my feet onto the ground and made my way into the kitchen where Miss Belle was cooking for their usual Sunday Brunch.

"Hey, you need any help?" I asked plopping a strawberry from the bowl into my mouth.

She turned around and put her hands on her hips.

"You can help me by sitting down somewhere."

I groaned internally.

No one would let me lift a finger and it was starting to get on my nerves. I was pregnant, not disabled.

Letting out a deep breath I plopped down onto one of the stools posted along the island.

"Aw! Somebody's upset." Yani said coming into the kitchen with a few bottles of liquor. He placed his bags down onto the counter before walking over to me and kissing the top of my head. "What's wrong, princess?"

"I'm bored out of my mind." I whined, leaning into his chest.

"You'll be alright... in a few months." He said giving my arm a light squeeze. "You better enjoy all of the rest you can get now, because if that baby is anything like Ace used to be, you're gonna be up all night long."

"I heard that!" Aiden yelled from his spot in the living room.

Miss Belle and Yani laughed as I just laid my head on the cold counter, enjoying the coolness on my skin. It may have been the middle of November, but sometimes I felt like a post menopausal woman in the midst of a hot flash.

"Here girl." I lifted my head up to see her slide a large bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of me. My eyes lit up as I devoured the frozen treat.

"You're an angel." I managed to get out between mouthfuls of ice cream.

She waved me off.

"I know how you feel. When I was pregnant with Aiden I would go through big tubs of ice cream and I almost froze my husband and Damian out of the house with the A/C on during the winter."

I laughed at her confession.

"Come on so we can eat!" She yelled out to the guys.

Not even half of a second later I heard the shuffling of their feet and they appeared in the kitchen. Everyone grabbed a dish and took it into the dining room where Mr. Morello was lighting the fireplace. They made me take the napkins 'since I wanted to help so badly'.

We took our seats and dug into the delicious food after saying grace.

"Have you two thought of any baby names?" Mr. Morello asked as he wiped the side of his mouth with a napkin.

I shook my head.

"If it's a boy, Aiden Jr. If it's a girl, Aideniqua." I rolled my eyes at him. He needed to burn both of those names that he kept suggesting.

"Wait, you don't know what you're having yet?" Damian interjected.

I shook my head again.

"Well, you know what? I'm gonna throw you a gender reveal party." Miss Belle cheered, clapping her hands together. "You can't not know what you're having. How else am I gonna know what to spend a ton of money on to spoil him or her before they even get here?"

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