Chapter 5

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The walk back to the apartment seemed to go by a lot quicker than usual. It may have been the fact that I was so caught up trying to sort my mind of these jumbled thoughts.

Especially if you're out here working these corners with your sister.

That was on a continuous loop in my head and driving me absolutely insane.

First, it was the whole porno thing. Then, it was the drug ring thing. Now... Damn, Erin never ceased to amaze me. How did she always manage to always get herself into these situations?

I quickly unlocked the many locks on the door and slid into the apartment remembering to lock them behind me. Making a beeline for the bathroom, I stripped out of my clothes and jumped into the shower not worried about whether it had time to heat up or not.

After that much needed shower I fished out a sports bra and a pair of boy shorts from one of the black garbage bags and slipped them on. I didn't even bother to wrap my hair up before I damn near face planted onto my bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

I was in such a deep sleep that, had it not been for my extremely annoying alarm clock, I would have, without a doubt, stayed in bed all day long. But it was Saturday which meant that there was money to be made. Everybody and their mama were going to be getting their hair done today and I wanted -- no, needed to make as much as possible.

This was all the motivation I needed to get up and get ready to go. Eyes still closed, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed until my bare feet made contact with the thin carpet, the cold waking me up instantly.

I made it in and out of the bathroom in record time but had trouble picking out what to wear. It's wasn't like I had too many things to pick from, but after about ten minutes of searching I settled on a simple white and black striped t-shirt dress with an army green bomber jacket since it was supposed to be windy out today.

Once I was sure I had everything I needed I slipped on a random pair of sandals, grabbed my bag and left the apartment and towards the nearest bus stop. There was no way in hell I was walking today. I was entirely too exhausted.

Not even 15 minutes later, I had managed to make it to the salon without much trouble. But, as always, this serenity wouldn't last for long.

I could see the salon in the near distance as well as a few police cars parked every which way as if they were casing the place.

What the hell is going on now? I questioned to myself.

Trying to get close -- but not too close -- I jogged across the street to get a good view. Not long after, four officers stalked out with a cuffed and irate Veronica in tow and threw her into the back of the police cruiser. Seconds later they were carrying out another female that looked to be in her late twenties. She had half a head of blonde weave along with a huge burn mark across her forehead.

The two ladies exchanged a few pleasantries amongst one another before being hauled off.

Figuring it was now safe to go inside, I adjusted the strap on my old brown messenger bag and headed for the entrance of the brick building.

It didn't take long for me to figure out what happened. The visual state of the salon told it all. The waiting area looked as if a tornado had run through it -- not to mention the seemingly endless amounts of hair and styling tools sprawled every which way added a nice touch to the chaotic scenery as everyone hastily scrambled around to cleaning.

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