Chapter 33

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The next day went by a little better than the one before. Miss Belle came over to see the kids and to have a 'much needed' conversation with me. Apparently, instead of going home, Aiden had gone over to his parents house and had a long talk with his them about us.

Him being gone gave me a chance to reflect on the situation as well. I realized that I was still somewhat losing myself in all of this. I hadn't been to work in almost a year and I was, again, relying on someone else to take care of me. Even though I knew Aiden was coming back I got to thinking about how it would be if he didn't.

What would I do then?

I knew from this point on, I had to start working on myself.

Almost an hour after I had gotten Gabe to bed, Miss Belle had finally gotten AJ to sleep and returned to the living room, sitting beside me.

"You probably don't want to talk about it, but I heard what happened between you two." Miss Belle started on the dreaded conversation.

She was right about that, I didn't want to talk about it -- not with her at least. Don't get me wrong, I respected her and her opinion, but this was something that Aiden and I had to deal with.

"Y'all need to come to some kind of middle ground. There's no way you need to be having these little petty arguments. They may be small disagreements now, but those little fuckers will cause a huge divide in your relationship if you allow them to continue. Trust me, I know first hand."

I nodded in agreement.

"Another thing you guys need to do is talk about the matter as soon as it happens and cut out all of this running stuff. Time only gives you a chance to think of everything else that isn't going right until it becomes too much.

That, I didn't fully agree with.

I shook my head. "Sometimes I just need time to think. If I don't, some hurtful things are bound to be said and things will only get worse."

"Well, maybe those things need to said too if it's weighing that heavily on your heart. That way you can get it out on the table and fix that too. But, you guys are the last two people that need to be tearing each other down. You have enough people out there that will try and do that for you." She pointed towards the door for emphasis.

She had a lot of good points. She had been married to Mr. Morello for lord knows how long and they seemed to be more in love every time I saw them, so I couldn't question the validity of what she was saying.

"Y'all need to lay everything out on the table and hash it out. You tell him what you want and how you feel and you need to actually listen to what he has to say. That is the only way you'll be able to move forward."

Just as I went to respond, the front door opened and Aiden walked in.

"Hey ma." He walked over to his mother and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey son." She looked between the both us before standing. "I'm gonna get out of here. I'm expecting both of y'all over tomorrow for dinner."

We agreed and she grabbed her purse and embraced us one at a time before leaving. Once the door shut behind her there was a long, awkward silence that filled the room.

"Can we talk?" Aiden finally broke the piercing silence.

I shrugged. "I think we kinda need to."

He nodded and took a seat beside me.

"For starters, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said about you and Erin. That was foul. But the thing is, you have to trust me, Dev. When I tell you that I have something handled, you need to trust me enough not to question it. You have to realize that this is what I do on an everyday basis, damn near. You not trusting me honestly had me feeling some type of way."

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