Chapter 26

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"Dont spare a single one of them niggas!" Aiden spat into the receiving end of his cellphone. Pissed didn't even come close to how upset he was. I had never seen him like this. His face was red and I could actually see the veins popping out of his neck.

He hadn't put his phone down since he dropped me back at my place.

I took a long shower to try and wash away all of to blood that had managed to make its way onto my body. A little piece of me hoped that the shower would be a temporary break from all of the dead people that were now floating in my head.

I didn't realize how long I had been in there until I heard banging on the door and it scared the hell out of me. Quickly shutting the water off, I stepped out of the large walk in shower and wrapped a towel snugly around my body before opening the door.

"I'm heading out. I'll see you later." Aiden said coldly before turning to leave.

He had been acting really standoffish towards me for some reason. I understood that he was under a lot of pressure at the moment, but that still didn't give him an excuse to be an ass towards me.

I reached out a grabbed his arm, attempting to stop him before he made it out of my bedroom.

"What, Devyn?" He responded, annoyedly, without even looking at me.

"Why are you being such a dick right now? I know you're pissed about this, hell, I'm pissed too. But, I'm the last person you need to be feeling some kinda way towards."

He finally turned around, squinting his eyes at me. "You done?"

I really couldn't believe he was acting like this right now.

Not wanting to deal with him or stress myself or my baby out any further, I took a step back and slammed my bedroom door in his face. Soon after, I heard him walk away and close the front door of the condo.

I plopped down on my bed, still wrapped in only a towel. Not wanting to sit around bored for the rest of the day, I grabbed my phone and sent Porsha a quick text.

Devyn: Wyd?

Porsha: Bout to get something to eat. What's up?

Devyn: Nothing at all. You wanna come over and have a girls night?

Porsha: You got snacks?

Devyn: Yes fat ass.

Porsha: Ill be there in like 20 minutes then.

I tossed my phone over to the side and proceeded to put on some comfortable clothes. I grabbed my black Nike leg-a-see leggings, a wife beater, and my Chicago Blackhawks sweatshirt and laid them across the bed as I put lotion all over my body. The last thing I needed was for this baby to give me more stretch marks.

Once I finished that task, I put on my clothes and went to lay out on the couch. I may have looked like a bum, but at least I was a comfortable one.

I sat around for about 45 minutes, watching The Get Down on Netflix, before there was a knock on the front door. I pressed pause and went to open the door for Porsha.

As soon as the door swung open she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your gender reveal party girl. My boyfriend had my car, and you know how that goes.

I hadn't told her about the events of the party and I didn't plan to. Had she gone, she may not have been standing here now.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't miss much." I responded, walking back to my spot on the couch.

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