Chapter 19

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"Calm down." Aiden said rubbing small circles into my side.

My leg was bouncing up and down and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't help it. Never in my life had I been on a plane and I was scared shitless to put it lightly.

We were currently on the Morellos' private jet preparing to take off. It never really occurred to me how much money him and his family had until I saw the jet. But at this point, that fact was irrelevant. It was still a plane and it was still going to be extremely high in the clouds. I wasn't afraid of heights, but the whole concept of planes was extremely sketchy to me.

The closer we got to actually taking off, the more nervous I got.

"Come here." He lifted me up and sat me on his lap and wrapped his large arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

I calmed down a bit as the smell of his cologne seeped into my nose. I snuggled closer to him.

"We could've just gone to Florida or somewhere we could've driven." He laughed and the vibrations coming from his chest eased my nerves a little more.

That is, until the plane began to move. I gripped tightly onto his shirt, undoubtedly wrinkling it in the process.

After about two gut wrenching minutes, we were in the air and things had calmed down significantly. The ride was so smooth, it felt as if we were still on solid ground, minus the sounds that the plane made.

I removed my head from Aiden's neck and looked up at him. He was already staring down at me.

"Now, that wasn't too bad." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said still not letting go of him. I was comfortable being close to him. He rubbed my lower back for a while as he typed away on his phone.

Suddenly, he put his phone down and turned my body to face him.

"You wanna go to the back?"

"Are you asking me for sex, Aiden Morello?"

He laughed and shook his head.

"No, but I wouldn't turn it down if you offered it to me." He said with his eyebrow raised. "There's a bedroom in the back, I just figured you wanted to lay down. This flight is 15 hours long."

I shrugged. "You coming?"

"If you want me to. I gotta do a little work though."

I nodded and stood from his lap and held out my hand to help him up. He took my hand, even though he supported himself in getting up, before leading me to the back room.

The room looked as if it didn't belong. It was so out of place. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought we were in a luxury hotel and not the back of a jet.

"Holy shit." I whispered more so to myself.

I quickly took my converse off and untied the flannel from around my waist before running and jumping on the freshly made bed and sprawling out on it.

"This is really nice." I muffed though one of the plush pillows.

I felt the bed dip beside me and then an arm wrap around my body. "I'm glad you like it, my love." He said before moving my wild curls to the side and placing a soft kiss on my neck.

Rolling over, I got on top of him and straddled his lap, which probably wasn't a good idea considering I had a dress on.

"I see you're trying to get yourself in trouble." He noted.

I smirked before hopping off of his lap and getting under the covers.


"What?" I played innocent.

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