Chapter 29

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That's how I felt with every little movement or step I took. Pregnancy was a blessing and all, but I was completely over it. I just knew these last two weeks were going to be hell and a half for me.

"What about these?" Porsha asked, holding up a pair of baby sized Jordans.

Even though I didn't really feel up to doing much of anything, Aiden insisted I get up and do something before the baby was due to arrive in a couple weeks. He even gave me his black card to make sure I was set.

"Those are cute, but I still don't see why newborn babies need shoes. It's not like they're walking anywhere."

She rolled her eyes at me before adding the tiny shoe box to the already sky high pile of shoes on the counter.

"And why did I let you talk me into going baby shopping again?" I asked taking a bite out of my soft pretzel.

"Because," She began, putting her hands on her wide hips and popping her gum, "you have to make sure your baby has more than enough clothes and shoes that they're never gonna get the chance to wear."

I scrunched my face up at her. "Do you ever listen to the things that come out of your mouth?"

She looked away as if she was thinking. "Nope. Now come on. We have to go to Poppy's to get some more stuff."

I lifted myself up from the short, wooden bench that I had gotten so comfortable on and over to the register to pay for all of the unnecessary items. The extremely giddy employee, quickly and happily checked me out and we were on our way to yet another store within the huge mall.

A few of the security guards that Aiden sent to oversee the trip grabbed the bags and took them out to the car where even more things were already piled.

"So, are you ready for the little guy to get here?" Porsha questioned as she browsed through a rack of tiny clothes.

I nodded while rubbing my belly. "More than ready. And by the way he keeps kicking me, I think he's ready too."

"Is Ace ready?"

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. This baby is coming whether either one of us is ready or not."

"This baby is going to be so damn cute, girl. No offense, but his daddy is fine as hell! And you... well, you're alright. I guess." She joked trying to contain her laugh.

I shot her a side eye.

"You're lucky I'm knocked up."

She waved me off. "Oh, you love me."

"Sometimes." I rolled my eyes at her.

We browsed the store for about half an hour before that I decided I had enough clothes and shoes to clothe every child on this side of the country. After checking out, we exited the mall and drove to Carrabbas, an Italian restaurant, a short distance down the road.

I may not have had energy to shop, but when it came to food, I was all for it.

We were seated at a table near the back of the restaurant and immediately ordered drinks. I opted for an arnold palmer, while Porsha ordered wine.

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