Chapter 12

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We rode for another 20 minutes before we pulled off of the highway and into the garage of a huge building.

He parked between a Jeep and the Audi that I'd seen him drive and got out. He came around and opened my door, careful not to hit the car to our immediate right. There were a few more cars around, but I wasn't sure if they were his or his neighbors.

"Right this way, Love." He said directing me to the garage elevator with his hand on the small of my back.

I followed him onto the elevator as he pressed the button for the lobby. The ride was smooth and came to a stop with a soft chime. He grabbed my hand and led me through the lobby, speaking to the door man as he passed by.

"Good evening, Mr. Morello." The elevator assistant greeted as we walked on.

Aiden nodded at him as the man pressed the button for the top floor.

We rode up in silence, but it felt louder than ever. It may have been my nerves, but my heart was beating a mile a minute and my legs were starting to shake ever so slightly. Aiden noticed my demeanor change and gave my hand a light squeeze as the elevator came to a stop and opened up to a secluded floor.

He walked over to the door in front of us and unlocked it revealing a beautiful loft. I had only seen something like this on HGTV -- well, until our cable was cut off.

"This is where you live?" I asked in complete awe.

He laughed at my reaction.

"What's funny?"

"You." He walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist before trailing kisses down my neck. I may have been more effected by it had I not still been marveling the luxurious loft.

"So you're telling me you live here and you keep coming over to my little raggedy apartment? What's wrong with you?"

"I mean, you can stay over here if you want." He said it like it was so simple and continued his assault on my neck.

I rolled my eyes and removed myself from his grip as I felt myself getting hot.

"I need to shower."

He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs, through his bedroom, and into a bathroom that was bigger than my entire living room. He went into a drawer pulled out a towel and washcloth and handed them to me.

He then began to take his shirt off. I ogled at his abs and tattoos and then directed my glares up to his face.

"What are you doing?" I whispered for some reason.

He looked at me confused before responding, "I'm getting in the shower."

"No, I'm getting in." I said getting cranky.

"Yeah, we can get in together." He said coming closer to me.

I put my hand out and stopped him before he could get any closer. The devil was really testing me with this one.

"What was the deal, Aiden?" I reminded him.

He let out a deep breath. "No sex, but we're not going to have sex, we're just showering."

I tilted my head to the side and squinted my eyes at him.

"You don't even believe that."

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