Chapter 13

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The week leading up to graduation went by at a snail-like pace. It also didn't help that work dragged on more than it usually did.

The fact that Aiden had the go out of town didn't make it any better. He would call, but it wasn't the same. I wasn't even sure if he would be back in time to come to the graduation.

But, in any event, today was the day.

The day that I was finally going to be free of the public school system, by being rewarded with a piece of paper. I had gotten my cosmetology license in the mail this morning, so this would be the cherry on top.

I was in front of my mirror trying to straighten my long, unruly hair when there was a knock on my door, making me almost burn my finger with the flat iron.

It was probably Mr. Pryor again. He kept coming over to ask whether or not his outfits looked good. He had a little crush on Ms. Fay, and wanted to look good for her.

He was nice enough to agree to take me to the coliseum where we were going to have the graduation. Whenever I needed to get somewhere and I couldn't take the bus or needed to pick up furniture for my apartment, he was always willing to take me. I appreciated him so much and as soon as I got my things together, I was going to pay him back.

Putting my flat iron down on the counter, I made my way to the front door. Once I opened it I was surprised to see Ace on the other side holding a vase of sunflowers. I had mentioned to him that it was my favorite flower growing up. So, I was surprised he actually remembered.

"Whoa, look at your hair!" He said before I could even get excited to see him.

"Wow, I'm gonna close the door and we're gonna try that again."

"Wait-" I slammed the door right in his face.

I waited a couple of seconds before he got the hint and knocked on the door. I opened it and waited for him to come correct.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Hey handsome!" I responded with a smirk.

I stood to the side so that he could come in. He stepped in and placed the vase on the new table that I added. My apartment was actually coming together really well. I had everything, with the exception of a couch and a tv.

After placing the vase down, he walked over to me and picked me up as if I weighed nothing before sitting me on the kitchen counter.

"You missed me?" He said standing between my legs and leaning in to kissing me passionately.

"Not really." I managed to get out between kisses.

We went at it for a while longer before we were interrupted by another knock on the door. He stood to the side allowing me to get down off of the counter and check it.

This time it was Mr. Pryor... again.

"Mr. Pryor, for the fifth time, you look fine."

"Are you sure?" He questioned skeptically while tugging on his green tie.

"Yes, I promise you." I noticed his gaze go over to where Aiden was.

"Oh, Mr. Pryor, this is Aiden. Aiden, this is Mr. Pryor."

They shook hands and Mr. Pryor went back to his apartment after asking me once again if his outfit was okay. Closing the door, I took a deep breath. Remembering that only half of my hair was straightened, I made my way into the bathroom with Aiden on my trail.

"What's up with that?" He said once I continued on my hair.

"What was what?" I asked, focused on not burning myself.

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