Chapter 3: Seperated

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Rachet growled angrily and transformed his servos into blades. He glared down at the children and gave them a look that could kill. Miko smiled up at him and gave the Autobot a thumbs up. He huffed angrily in response. They heard a few explosions and Rachet looked around the corner.

The medic ducked back as a few shots were fired at him. Two vehicons came around the rock and the Autobot growled as he fought them. One of the cons fired and hit the cliff face above the kids. Miko screamed and they ran out of the way as rocks fell. They stopped as they got caught between the two titan's battling one another. Jack grabbed Miko and Rafs hand, he ran as he tried to avoid getting squished. Raf was ripped away from the others as one of the cons peds clipped him and sent him flying.

"RAF!" Miko screamed as they made it behind a boulder out of the way. She went to help but the older boy held her back.

"No don't! You might get hurt." Jack said as he quickly thought of what to do. "We need to get Rachets attention." He said as he looked at the medic. The bot was preoccupied with a few more vehicons that had joined in the fight.

Raf shakily got to his feet and straightened his glasses. He looked up and saw more vehicons running towards the medic. He saw the others and started running to them. A con stepped right in front of him and he yelled as the other ped came down on him. The boy ran in the opposite direction as more cons almost stepped on him. He stumbled as he turned sharply to avoid other peds that landed to close for comfort. Looking up he yelled as a con started to fall over him. Raf ran faster out of the way, his eyes widened as he realized he was headed further into the battle. The boy dived out of the way and rolled as the con hit the ground. He panted heavily as he got back up and backed away.

"RAFAEL!!" Rachet yelled as he fought off another set of cons. The medic tried to get to the boy but the cons refused to let him pass.

The boy was still backing up slightly dazed, he bumped against something hard and metallic. The boy looked up and his eyes widened in fear. Knockout smiled evilly down at him. The boy whimpered softly as the con reached down to pick him up.

"WHIRR!!!" Bumblebee chirped angrily.

The scout rammed his shoulder into the cons back and knocked him over. He quickly bent down and picked up the young boy. Some vehicons started firing at him and he held the boy close to his chest. Raf held on to one of his guardians digits as tightly as he could. The scout transformed his free servo into a gun and fired at the cons while he protected the young boy. Raf heard a whirling noise and looked up to see Knockout at the scouts side with his saw.

"BUMBLEBEE!!" The boy yelled trying to warn his friend. The scout looked over his shoulder plate just as Knockout swung at the bot. Raf heard the saw cut through metal and cringed at the sound.

Bee felt the saw dig into his side and cut deeply as the con sliced through him. The scout swung around and punched the con as hard as he could. The con yelled as he went down. The ground behind them blew up as Starscream fired his missile at them. Bumblebee put his other servo over the boy to protect him as they went flying. He held the boy close as he hit the ground and rolled. The scout lost his grip and the boy rolled a few feet away. Bee stopped moving as he landed on his chest plate.

Bumblebee groaned and his servo flew to his side where Knockout had cut him. He looked at the wound and tried to keep his energon from leaking out. He looked a few feet in front of him and saw the boy just laying there. The scout beeped sadly and crawled to the boy. He carefully picked Raf up and cradled him in his servo. He heard the battle rage on around him, but he didn't pay attention.

A few vehicons took his distraction as an opportunity to end him. The scout held the unconscious boy close and held on to his side with his free servo. He heard some crashing and fighting, the scout looked up to see the medic fighting the cons just in front of him.

"Are you trying to join the All Spark!?" Rachet snapped as he finished with the cons and turned around. Bee looked up at him sadly.

"Oh no." He muttered as he knelt next to him. The medic noticed the unconscious boy in his servo, and a pool of energon underneath the scout. He saw the young bot holding his side, energon seeping through his digits. Raf slowly opened his eyes and groaned as he sat up.

"I-I-I'm okay..." The boy mumbled as he looked up at them. Bee smiled weakly and beeped in relief.

Arcee looked up and noticed Starscream was approaching the two distracted bots. She didn't know what they were doing but Starscream was taking advantage of it. The femme transformed into a motorcycle and drove as fast as she could to help her team. She jumped up and slammed into the seekers back. He yelled and she quickly transformed into her bot mode as he went down. Arcee jumped on to the seekers head and pushed him into the ground. She then flipped into the air and landed next to the two mechs.

"What are you two doing?!" She almost shrieked, as she shot at a few cons that approached.

"I'm helping Bumblebee! What does it look like?!" Rachet snapped as he fought off another con. The scout transformed his free hand and shot at the cons. Miko and Jack remained hidden as they watched the battle rage on.

Optimus blocked another blow as Megatron swung at him. He saw out of the corner of his optics a vehicon pull the cylinder out and attempt to open it. The Prime ducked as the villain swung at him and kicked him in the side. Megatron grunted and Optimus kicked him again, the con went down. The Prime turned and ran to the cylinder he fired at one con while Bulkhead smashed two others. The wrecker accidentally hit the cylinder as he swung at a con. The device made a grinding noise and the lid hissed.

The Prime grunted as he pulled on the lid. Bulkhead fought off Knockout and Starscream as they tried to attack the Prime. Bulkhead swung at them and managed to get them back. Optimus grunted as he pulled again. He suddenly hit the ground as Megatron punched him in the helm. The Decepticon leader set one ped on the Primes chest and aimed his cannon at his helm. The con easily opened the device and pulled something out that resembled a mace. Optimus grabbed his leg and twisted. Megatron yelled as he went down. The Autobot leader jumped up and grabbed the relic. He tried to pull it out of the villains hand and ducked as a blade came at his helm.

"Your attempts to stop me are pathetic Optimus." Megatron sneered as he pushed the other bot. The Prime held firm and glared as he tightened his grip. The con growled and tried to stab the Autobot leader. Optimus blocked each blow and punched him in the helm. Megatron yelled and kicked him hard, he fired at him and the Prime fell to the ground.

"OPTIMUS!!" Rachet yelled as he ran towards them. Megatron hit the medic and watched him slide to a stop next to the scout. Arcee jumped up and started firing at the con.

"Let's see what this relic can do." Megatron sneered. He extended the handle and a glowing orb appeared at the end. The Decepticon leader aimed the relic at the three bots.

Optimus groaned as he looked up at the con, and clutched his chest plate where he had been shot. He looked over at his team and his optics widened. The con fired the relic at the bots and laughed evilly. A bright light engulfed them and everyone shielded their optics.

Optimus yelled in anger and grabbed the relic as the light became blinding. Megatron punched him again with his free servo and kicked him in the stomach, the bot fell to the ground. Optimus grunted and spat out some energon as he rolled to his side. The light disappeared and everyone blinked as their optics adjusted. Bulkhead ran over and helped the Prime up. Optimus grunted as he looked up, Megatron was gone.

"Retreat!!" Starscream yelled as he transformed and flew into the horizon. The other cons unsure what else to do followed.

The Prime glanced over to where the others where, and his optics widened. The three Autobots where gone.

"No...." Optimus said weakly as he looked at the now empty space.

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