Chapter 10: Our Battle on Your World.

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The others listened as the two bots explained the dire situation. The children sat with their guardians as they listened. Once the two bots finished, Optimus paced the room as he thought. He knew his team wasn't ready for a battle. They were just repair bots after all. But they all looked at him expectantly, as though they truly believed he could lead them. He stopped and looked at them for a moment.

"We just go in and retrieve this relic... right?" He asked hoping to avoid getting his team in the middle of a fight.

"Hypothetically....yes." Rachet said sensing the leaders distress. He had seen it in his friend a few times.

"Its more than likely Megatron is here as well." Arcee grumbled.

"In that case we need to hurry before he tries anything." Prowl said.

"Ya! Let's go kick some con!" Bee cheered as he punched the air.

Optimus hesitated, their enthusiasm was appreciated but he feared for their safety. His team was more reckless than they were fighters. He looked at the three new comers and felt hope take hold. They seemed pretty invincible, and acted like it at times. Besides, this was their war they brought to his dimension.

"Alright..." He said. Bee and Bulkhead cheered. "Sari stay close to Bee so you don't get hurt. Bulk-"

"What!?" Optimus looked over at the medic and his two teammates. They all looked at him like he was crazy.

"You're allowing the children to join you in battle?!" The medic asked in disbelief.

"Well.......ya Sari has been very helpful in the field." Bee said as he gestured to her.

"W-w-what?" Rachet stuttered optics wide. "She could.....go squish." He said cringing at the thought. They just stared at him.

"We may need her." Optimus said firmly as he stood taller.

"You don't have the right-" Optimus towered over the medic and cut him off.

"Are you questioning my authority?" He asked as his optics narrowed. All eyes and optics were on them. The room was silent as the two bots stared at each other.

"No." Rachet said firmly as he glared back.

"Good." The Prime said and he turned back to his team. "Autobots transform and roll out!"

They all did as they were told and left the base. Bumblebee and Arcee looked at Rachet. He huffed angrily and looked at them.

"You two better follow. Raf and I will work on contacting the others." He grumbled as he walked to the computer.

"Wiiiirrr vooo beeee." The scout beeped as he narrowed his optics.

"Need my help?" Rachet scoffed. "What could I possibly do?" He snapped.

"You're the only one that knows the most about the relic. Plus we're the only ones that know how to defeat Megatron. Or at least make him retreat." Arcee said as she glared at him.

"Vrooo wwhiiir." Bumblebee chirped as he narrowed his optics and folded his arms.

"Bumblebees right." They all looked at the little boy. "Optimus would want all of us to help." Raf said. Rachet looked at the three of them and grumbled angrily.

"Fine." He growled. "But if they don't actually need my help I'm coming straight back." The others nodded once. The medic grumbled angrily and they transformed.

"Raf you'll be safer here." Arcee said. The boy nodded and watched them go. He went to the controls to see how he could help.


When the others left the base they found Prowl waiting just outside for them. Without a word he led them to Sumdac tower where Optimus and the others were waiting. The city was calm and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Prowl transformed and walked towards the others. He stopped and looked over his shoulder plate.

"It's perfectly fine to transform." He reminded them.

The other three hesitated and looked around. The two bots looked at the medic unsure what to do. He sighed heavily and transformed, the other two did the same. People looked at them in admiration as they walked over.

"This is really weird." Arcee muttered as some civilians pointed. Rachet grumbled under his breath and glared at some people. Bumblebee beeped curiously and looked down at some kids.

"Cool." They said as they stared up at him.

The scout looked over at the others as they walked off. He crouched down and held his servo just above the kids heads. They laughed and cheered as they jumped up giving him a high five. He chirped happily and waved at them before catching up with the others.

"Don't get to comfortable Bumblebee." Arcee said as he caught up. "It won't be like this when we go home." The scout beeped in annoyance and rolled his optics.

They stopped just in front of the Prime and looked around. They noticed a police barricade guarding the perimeter. Optimus looked over his shoulder at the new comers.

"Glad you decided to join us." He said casually.

"What's the situation?" Arcee asked before the medic could say anything.

"The police aren't letting anyone in, not even us." Doc bot growled.

"It's a precaution." Optimus defended.

"For what?" Bee asked slightly annoyed. "There are no cons anywhere, and we're wasting time." He grumbled.

"Maybe their just not here yet." Bulkhead muttered.

"Then let's take it before they come!" Sari said as she looked around.

"Alright. We'll spread out and cover the area." Optimus said as he turned to the Chief. "Can you evacuate the civilians?" He asked.

"Ya of course I can." The Chief replied and he started ordering his men to move people back.

"Prowl and Rachet you cover the South side. Our Rachet and Sari will remain here. Bulkhead and the two Bumblebees will take the North side. Arcee and I will go in to get the relic." Optimus said as he gestured to each of them.

"With all due respect....Optimus." Arcee intervened. "Rachet.....our Rachet knows the most about the relic, and will be a better help to you." She said. They went quiet for a moment.

"Uh.....yes well...." The Prime mumbled. "Okay....Rachet you're with me." He said and the team spread out.

Up on top of a building sat a lone figure as he watched the whole thing. He monitored them for a awhile and watched where they went. Megatron had sent him ahead to see what they would do. Blitzwing raised an optic ridge as he saw the three new bots. He jumped into the sky and quickly transformed into his jet mode. He flew off to report to the Decepticon leader. It was time to attack.

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