Chapter 13: Beaten

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Bee grunted as he pulled himself up he was behind the Decepticon leader, and hadn't been seen yet. He gulped quietly Megatron was a lot scarier close up. The little bot managed to get up to the top and he stood behind the warlord unsure what to do. The only thing he knew was he needed to stop him. Bee turned his servos into stingers and put them together. He aimed and fired with as much power as he could. His electricity shot the relic out of the cons hand and it fell over the edge of the building.

"Yes!" Bee cheered. "Take that Mega Bucket!" He yelled.

The con turned around and growled at him. The little bot paled as the con advanced. He quickly looked around for an exit, but the only one was down. He stepped back as the con growled and unsheathed his sword. The bot looked up and saw the portal closing. He smirked and fired up his stingers.

"Looks like you lose Bucket head." Bee said as he fired at the con.

Megatron blocked easily and fired in return. The bot yelled in surprise as he ducked. The warlord growled angrily and fired again. He hit the bot in the shoulder and Bee yelled as he fell against the buildings roof. He grabbed where he had been shot and looked at the portal. His optics widened as he saw a small jet exit the portal just before it closed. He smirked as he saw how little it was.

"Ha! If that's one of your minions I'd hate to see the rest of your army." Bee mocked.

The Decepticon leader looked over his shoulder plate and watched the said aircraft fly above the city. He smiled wickedly as it looped back. Megatron faced the little bot still smiling. He stood over him and pointed his sword at his spark. The bot watched the aircraft transform just above the tower. A thin tall faceless con landed next to the Decepticon leader. The new comer straightened up and looked at the warlord.

"Glad you could join us Soundwave." Megatron said as he glanced at him.

"Wait.....Soundwave?" The little bot mumbled as he looked at the faceless con with confusion.

The leader looked down at the little bot again. Bee shot at them with his stingers but they dodged. Megatron reached down and grabbed him around the neck cables. He easily pick up the bot and held him over the edge of the building. The bot grabbed at his servo and kicked.

"BUMBLEBEE!!" Someone called from below. The Decepticon leader raised an optic ridge as he noticed they were addressing the bot in his servo.

"Well this is interesting." He said as he smiled wickedly. Bee kicked some more and shot at him with his stingers. It didn't seem to affect him.

"I've destroyed your voice box once before." He growled as he tightened his grip. The little bot gasped in fear and tried to kick him. "I can do it again." He tightened his grip and the bot felt something in his neck cables break. The con crushed the bots voice processor. Bees optics widened as he felt the pain in his neck.

He tried to cry out but nothing came. Megatron laughed darkly and dropped the little bot. He watched as the bot fell from the tower towards the ground. Bee tried to call for help but no sound escaped him. The others looked up optics wide as they realized the little bot wouldn't survive the fall.

"NOO!!!" Optimus shouted as he ran forward.

He shot a grappling hook at a nearby building and swung into the air as he caught Bee. He landed carefully and ran as the cons fired at him. The little bot choked as he tried to speak. He ended up coughing up energon and small pieces of metal shards.

"Don't speak Bee.....just hang on." Optimus said as he ran and dodged the cons bullets. He looked at the rest of his team and saw that they wouldn't last much longer.

"Fall back!!" He yelled. He looked at the little bot in his hands. Bee choked again and looked up at him optics wide. Megatron laughed maniacally as he watched the bots retreat.

"Don't let them escape." He growled. Soundwave nodded once and saw the scout running towards the building.

Bumblebee ran forward and shot at the Decepticons to provide better cover for the others. He managed to knock Starscream and Lugnut down. The scout looked up and glared at the two cons that stood on top of the tower. Soundwave transformed and flew down towards the broken relic. Bumblebee ran for it and dove as the con shot at him. The scout picked up the two pieces of the relic and shot at the small jet as it pulled up. He hit one of Soundwaves wings and the con spiraled out of control. The Autobot ran as fast as he could to the others as they retreated. Megatron swooped down and shot at them. He hit the scout and Bulkhead as he flew over them. Prowl turned around and started throwing his stars. Doc bot used his magnetic field to hold the con in the air.

"Go!" The doctor shouted to the others.

Bulkhead clutched his arm as he ran after the Prime. Prowl ran over and helped the scout up. Bumblebees optics widened as he saw Soundwave transform and start shooting at the doctor. The older bot yelled as he got hit and fell to the ground. Prowl ran to him as Bumblebee shot at the two cons. He did his best to avoid the bullets but got hit a couple of times. Starscream flew over and threw some tiny bombs at them. Prowl kicked them back and they blew up in the three cons face plates. The ninja quickly helped the doctor up and they ran for the others.

Bumblebee half ran half limped as he followed shooting at Blitzwing as he did. The con shot Prowl in the side as he ran. The Autobot stumbled and clutched his side. The scout shot at the con who pulled up sharply out of the way. Prowl got back up and staggered a little before he pushed himself to run. Blitzwing saw them duck into a building and circled back. He transformed into a robot and ran into the parking garage. It was empty, except for a small puddle of energon. He growled angrily and went back to the others.

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