Chapter 27: Help

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"This is ridiculous." Starscream mumbled as he kicked some rubble. Lugnut pulled some beams out and shifted some rocks.

"Megatron has commanded us to gather materials. We must obey." The big con said. The seeker rolled his optics and kicked a few more things.

"Where's Blitzwing? He's normal the one that does this kind of stuff." He mumbled. The other bot was silent as he poked a parked car.

"This is humiliating..." Starscream muttered as he glared at the ground. There was a loud clap of thunder and they looked to the sky. Lightning flashed and they could see some swirling clouds over the park.

"Megatrons portal...." Lugnut said as he stared. "Soundwave came through that." The seeker narrowed his optics.

"Only the Autobots have the relic now." He said. They looked at each other and transformed into their alternate modes.

They flew towards the park and landed on a building where they could hide. The two cons watched the clouds as they swirled and they saw two bots land on the grass. Lugnut moved to go down and the seeker stopped him.

"Don't get excited." He whispered. If they were Autobots maybe they could defeat Megatron for him.

They watched as the bigger bot sat up and rubbed his helm. They noticed he was red, blue, and had a giant hammer. He stood up and helped the smaller bot stand. They realized it was the femme from earlier. The mech looked around and picked up the hammer as the femme held onto the relic. Starscream noticed the bigger bot also had a giant sword strapped to his back.

"It's like he's prepared for a battle." The seeker mumbled. He stopped Lugnut from blowing their cover again.

"We have to tell Megatron." The big con said.

"Oh we will." The seeker muttered as he watched. The bigger con grabbed him by the chest plate.

"Now." He growled optic narrowing.

"Okay, okay! We'll go now." Starscream said. The two cons jumped off the building and flew back to the island.

Optimus Prime wasn't comfortable standing in the middle of a city where everyone could see him. They walked to the edge of the park and some people gasped as they saw him walk by. Some children pointed excitedly and he stopped to look at them.

"Arcee, I am unfamiliar with the customs of this world." He said as he stared at the excited children and took a step back. The femme looked at the kids as they crowded the leaders peds. The Prime stood perfectly still so he wouldn't hurt them. One young girl climbed on his ped and smiled up at him.

"It's alright. They know where aliens from Cybertron." She said as she gently shooed them away. He gave her a look and she said she'd explain later. Once they got to the road, they transformed and drove to the warehouse.


Prowl wandered into the main room he looked out the window as a thunder clap echoed through the sky. He saw the clouds swirling over the park and he turned to the others.

"She's back." He said simply. They all rushed to the window.

"Let's hope she found it." Doc bot grumbled. They walked towards the couch and waited.

"Someone should tell the Kid." The doctor mumbled, they looked around and realized Bumblebee and the two kids were still missing.

"Maybe we should wait until we find out if she was able to get it." Optimus said.

"Ya. We don't want to tell them and get their hopes up.....only to crush them again." Bee said quietly.

He walked into the medical room and waited with his counterpart. Raf was sitting on the scouts shoulder plate and Sari was next to the boy. Bumblebee was still sitting with his knees drawn up to his chest plate, and he had buried his helm in his arms. The others slowly followed knowing the the young scout would need support if it didn't work. They stood in the room and watched as Doc bot prepared somethings. They didn't have to long to wait.

They turned as they heard peds walking towards them. Arcee stopped just in front of the other bots and gripped the relic tightly. She looked up at them and they waited in anticipation. Bumblebees helm popped up and he looked at her blankly. The kids jumped to Bees shoulder plate.

"Were you successful in your mission?" Prowl asked.

Arcee responded by turning slightly and looking at the door she had come through. They looked towards the entrance as they heard a pair of peds echo through the hall. The scout jumped to his peds as he recognized the sound. The other bots optics widened as Optimus walked through the door holding a giant hammer.

A grin spread across Rafs face as he saw the bot. The others were surprised at how tall he was, and how serious he looked. He quietly walked towards them and they parted so he could see the medic. Optimus stopped when he saw his friend and he let the hammers head drop to the floor. He stood there in silence as he looked at his fallen friend. He wasn't prepared for the scene in front of him.

"He's really tall." Bulkhead whispered to Bee. The little bot nodded slowly.

"He's kind of scary." He whispered back as he stared at the bot. He could sense an air of command and sternness from him.

Optimus looked down at the floor and tightened his grip on the handle as he felt a new wave of anger. He looked back at the medics face plate and walked to his side.

"Rachet my Old Friend.... Megatron has extinguished your spark to soon." He set a servo on the medics shoulder plate. "We need you....." He paused and thought about everything they had gone through. "I still need you Old Friend." He whispered to quiet for the others to hear.

The room was silent again and they waited for him to say something. The bot looked at each of them and his gaze fell on the young scout who was staring at his peds. The bigger bot set a servo on his shoulder plate and the scout looked up. They had a silent conversation and the leader turned to the others.

"I require only the doctors help." He said simply. The others nodded and quietly left the room. When the doors closed behind them Bee looked at Bulkhead.

"Wow....did he just tell us to get out, without actually saying it?" The small bot asked. His friend thought for a moment.

"Yes... yes he did." Bulkhead muttered, then he sighed heavily. "This is going to be confusing." He said.

"Nah.... we'll just call our Optimus Boss bot. Make things easier." He grinned as he jumped on to the couch.

Optimus Prime gripped the hammer and stared at Rachets still form. He looked up at the doctor who was standing by to help him.

"Ready when you are." Doc bot mumbled as he looked at the bigger mech. The Prime nodded in response and raised the hammer.

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