Chapter 41: Home

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"Wheeljack." Ratchet growled as he pinched the bridge of an imaginary nose. "If I have to tell you.... one more time!" The wrecker chuckled at the other end.

"We missed you Doc." Bulkhead said. The medic remained quiet as he thought about what they said. He looked at Raf who smiled at him. The others had returned and walked over.

"Hey Jack. Keeping out of trouble?" Arcee said. She smiled as she heard him gasp with surprise.

"Arcee? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm good Jack. Better than others." She mumbled glancing at Bumblebee, who was limping around. Optimus walked over and looked at the relic.

"We should prepare for our departure." He said. Bulkhead chuckled quietly.

"I'll be glad when you get back." The wrecker admitted.

"As will I." Optimus said seriously. He gathered them together, and watched as they said goodbye to the other team.

Bee and Bulkhead had returned to the warehouse dripping wet and dragging the forge. When asked where they found it, they simply said somethings were better left unexplained. They didn't press the matter, and talked with each other for a moment.

"I'm grateful for your help." Boss bot said as he held out his servo. Optimus grasped it firmly.

"I wish we could stay and help repair your world." He said feeling a little guilty. His counterpart shook his helm as he smiled a little.

"No. You need to get back and stop Megatron before he destroys your home." The Prime responded. He looked at the two teams as they spoke quietly. "We can handle this. We're repair bots after all." He smiled a little. Optimus gripped his shoulder plate before walking over and grabbing the relic.

"Boss bot! Boss bot!" Bee said as he ran to him. "Can we please go with them and see their world?!" He begged.

"There's not a lot to see." Arcee said as Optimus walked back over.

Bee sighed and hung his helm knowing he couldn't go. Optimus looked at him then over at Bumblebee who was limping as he practiced and unintentionally wearing himself out. The Autobot leader thought for a moment as he looked at the other team.

"Bumblebee will require assistance as we travel back." He said. Boss bot looked at his counterpart and smiled a little. The yellow bot grinned, his optics widening with joy.

"You mean it, I can go?" He said happily as he looked at the two. Boss bot nodded once and Bee cheered before running off.

Optimus walked over to the others and activated the relic. He pointed it at the wall and a portal appeared. Ratchet smirked a little as it acted like the ground bridge. Arcee stepped forward.

"We should make sure it went to the right place." She said. Her leader glanced at her and nodded once. Arcee looked at the others and smiled a little before walking through.


Miko was pacing back and forth as she waited impatiently. Jack spoke with the bots as they finalized everything. They felt a little pull as the air got sucked towards the bridge frame. Wheeljack hit a few buttons and entered codes, Ratchet had instructed them to do earlier. They watched as a small portal appeared. Miko gripped the rail in anticipation. The portal grew and their optics widened as a bot came through.

"Arcee!" Smokescreen said as he ran forward and hugged her tightly. She blushed a little and narrowed her optics. She pushed him away and looked at the others.

"I see you didn't burn the place down." She teased as she folded her arms. Bulkhead looked at the other two and Wheeljack shrugged.

"Good to see you Arcee." Jack said. She smiled up at him. The femme turned to go back through.

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