Chapter 19: Trapped

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Starscreams optics widened as he saw the eight Autobots come running out a side building. He shot at them but they dodged easily and fired back. One of the bots shot his wing and the green one smashed him to the ground with his mace. The con yelled as he struggled to get the heavy ball off of him and the bots advanced.

"I need back up!" Starscream yelled into his comlink.

He growled angrily as two of the bots aimed their cannons at his helm. The seeker had been sent to find them, not get attacked by them. The medic walked over and proceeded to detach the cannon that caused so much destruction.

"No! That's mine!" The seeker yelled as he fought back. Two Autobots came forward and held his arms down.

"Shut it Decepticon!" Doc bot growled as he watched the medic start to remove the gun.

"We aren't going to let you harm anymore of these people." Prowl growled as he pinned an arm down.

"That's what you think!" The con yelled. He fired randomly with the cannon and hit the base of a building nearby. The bots looked up and their optics widened as the skyscraper leaned towards them.

"Move!!" Optimus shouted. He made sure they were all ahead of him before he followed.

Bumblebee grabbed Rachets arm and pulled him to his peds as he ran. The medic was still trying to disable the cannon. The scout didn't let go of him, even though he protested immensely. The Autobots turned a corner sharply and pressed themselves against the buildings as debri, rubble and dust flew up into the sky. The earth beneath their peds shook as the building collided with the street. After a moment Prowl and Bee peeked around the corner.

"Ah man.....I just realized we're the ones that have to clean this up." Bee complained as he looked at the mess.

"I didn't see what happened to Starscream." Prowl mumbled. The scout walked over and looked around. His optics widened in fear and he chirped in distress as he ran into the open.

"What did he say?" Bee asked as Arcee and Rachet followed their teammate. The ninja looked at him for a moment.

"Raf." Prowl said simply.

The other bots ran to the rubble that blocked the parking garage. Bumblebee frantically tore at the debris to get to his friend. He beeped and chirped in a panic as he tried to get the boy to answer.

"Sari! Sari are you okay?!" Bee shouted as he helped clear pieces of the broken building. Bullets rained down on the distracted Autobots. They looked up to see Lugnut and Blitzwing flying over head.

"We'll distract them you get the kids out of here!!" Doc bot shouted as he followed the others into battle. Bumblebee and his counterpart frantically tried to clear the debris. The scout cleared a small hole and he reached his servo in to pull more rocks out.

"Bumblebee stop!!" Raf shouted. The scout froze and beeped with relief.

"Yes we're fine. But the rubble is holding up the ceiling." The boy said. The scout reached his whole arm into the hole up to his shoulder plate. He whirled and looked at his counterpart.

"Are you going to try and pull them out?" Bee asked unsure about what he said. The scout nodded. The battle raged on around them and they knew they had to hurry.

"Come on!" Raf said as he motioned for the others to follow.

There was an explosion and the parking garage shook. Sari screamed and the Professor shielded the children from anything that might fall on them. The rubble shifted and came down on the scouts arm. He cried out and tried to get free but it wouldn't budge.

"Oh man!" The little bot said as he dodged a few more bullets.

Bumblebee covered his face plate with his free arm from the debris that fell from stray bullets. The scout looked up optics wide, he was an easy target. Bee moved to help but got pushed back by his counterpart. The scout chirped frantically and motioned to the rubble. The little bot gave him a confused look.

"He said you have to get us out of here." Raf said as some rocks fell.

"How?" Sari asked fear etched in her voice. Bee looked up and smiled as an idea came to him.

"Can you get to the top?" The little bot asked.

"Yes." the Professor said as he saw a way up. "We're headed up now." He grabbed Saris hand and started running. Raf hugged one of his guardians digits tightly before following.

Bee watched the roof for them but had to duck down as Blitzwing started firing on them. Bumblebee transformed his free servo and started shooting at the con. Blitzwing transformed into a robot and landed a few feet away. His head spun to a red face.

"I'm going to crush you like a bug!" He shouted as he shot fire at the two bots. Bee dodged and put his stingers together as he fired on the con.

"That's if you can even catch us you freak!" Bee retorted as he distracted the con and led him away from the trapped bot.

The three humans made it to the top, they saw Bumblebees digits on the top as he held on to the building. As if he was trying to keep it from crushing him anymore. Raf ran over and looked down at his guardian. Sari saw the little bot doing his best to keep the con away from them.

"Bumblebee." Raf said and the bot looked up at him.

The boy saw his guardian smile but could see the pain in his optics. Prowl ran over as quickly as he could as the others fought off an enraged Lugnut. He stopped next to the trapped bot and moved to help him. The scout beeped and looked up at the humans. The ninja nodded once and helped them down from the building.

"I'll be back." He reassured the scout.

Prowl picked up the humans and ran off to take them somewhere safe. The scout heard some jet engines and looked up to see Megatron and Soundwave flying overhead. The two cons transformed and landed by the Autobots. The Decepticons started fighting them and the scout felt helpless. He pushed on the rubble above his shoulder plate, but it didn't budge. He heard some heavy ped steps and looked up to see Megatron standing over him. The con smiled wickedly and unsheathed his sword.

"It will be so easy to extinguish your spark." He growled angrily. "Your leader isn't here to save you this time." He spat. The scouts optics widened as the con raised his sword.

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