Chapter 12: Attack

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"Bee is still in that building." Prowl said as he faced the others.

"We have to distract the cons long enough for him to get out." Optimus said.

They heard another explosion. The bots all ran to the entrance and looked to the tower. Megatron had blasted a hole in the side of the tower. He reached in and pulled out the relic. Professor Sumdac sighed in relief when he realized the Autobots friend was on the other side, and safe from harm.

"He has the mace thing!" Sari said nervously.

"You can't let him get away with the relic." They all turned and looked at the medic who was staring at them.

"If Megatron activates it, he will bring his army through and destroy your world." He said seriously.

"But we have to retrieve it to send you guys home." Bulkhead muttered, the medic looked at the ground.

"We promised we would help the three of you get home." Optimus said. "And I intend to keep that promise." Rachet stared at the ground for a moment, then looked back up at the Prime.

"If it comes to it, you have to destroy the relic." The medic said as he looked at him seriously.

"That won't happen." Optimus said and he turned to the others. "Autobots, transform and roll out!" He yelled. They all transformed and followed him to the tower. Rachet and Arcee remained hidden with the humans.

As they got closer they saw three jets fly down to the ground. Megatron remained at the top and they saw him activate the relic. The cons transformed and started firing at them. Bumblebee sped up and dodged as they fired. He drove on some ruble and jumped into the air. The scout transformed and fired rapidly at Starscream as he came down. Optimus pulled out his ax and extended it as he swung at Lugnut. Bulkhead swung at him and yelled as he did. Prowl kicked Blitzwing while Doc bot held his guns back.

Megatron watched them fight for a minute. His optics narrowed when he saw the red bot. He could tell it was this worlds Optimus Prime. The Decepticon leader aimed his cannon at the bot and fired. The bullet missed and hit Lugnut. He fired a few more times but the bot kept dodging. The Decepticon leader growled and pointed the relic into the sky. He twisted it and a beam shot into the clouds. Megatron smiled wickedly, he had calculated where the portal would open, and he smirked knowing his army would arrive soon.

Bumblebee shook his helm as he got back up. Starscream had hit him hard and knocked him over. Prowl had intercepted and bought him time to recover. The scout looked up and saw Megatron open a portal fifty feet above his head. The clouds swirled and blurred as the portal formed. The scout got up and stared optics wide. Blitzwing started firing at him, and he dodged as he ran up to the con. Bumblebee started beeping frantically as he punched him. Prowl looked in his direction then up at the tower. He gasped and dodged as Starscream shot at him.

"Optimus!" The bot shouted.

The leader rubbed the back of his helm and looked up at his teammate. The ninja pointed to the tower, and his leader looked up. He gasped in surprise as he watched. Megatron looked up into the portal and smiled evilly. Optimus knew they wouldn't reach him in time to stop whatever came through. At least he wouldn't.

"Bee! What's your position?!" He shouted into the com.

"Uh....I'm at the top, but I can't find the relic." He responded nervously.

"That's because Megatron has it on top of the tower!" Optimus said as he watched. The others fought the cons behind him as they desperately tried to stop them.

"On my way back down." The little bot said.

"No!" Optimus shouted as his mind raced. "Your the only one that can stop him." He paused. "Get to the top and do whatever you need to bring him down."

Bee stopped walking and stared straight ahead as the words sank in. He was the closest to the Decepticon leader and the only one that could stop a possible army. He swallowed hard and looked around.

"Okay Boss bot..." Bee said. He looked ahead and saw a window. The bot ran forward and kicked the glass. He stuck his head out the window and saw how far down it was.

"Oh boy......" He muttered as he climbed out and started up to the top.


Knockout stared at the screen and folded his arms as he yawned. Starscream shot him an annoyed glance as he watched the communication specialist continue typing. They were planning an attack to draw the Autobots out of hiding. Suddenly a small white orb appeared at the other end of the catwalk, and slowly started to grow.

"What in the Pits of Kaon is that?!" Starscream asked as the white portal expanded.

Some drones looked up at the catwalk and aimed their guns at the portal. The communication specialist casually waked over to it and stopped a few feet away. Starscream and Knockout stayed behind as they watched. The portal just sat there as if whoever sent it was waiting for them. The con started to scan it as he stood there.

"Am I the only one wondering why no one has come through yet?" Knockout asked as he folded his arms.

"Perhaps it's another Autobot trick." Starscream said skeptically.

Soundwave picked up Megatrons signal as he finished scanning. He stood there and debated on what the best course of action would be. He still didn't fully trust Starscream to send him in after their leader. Last time the seeker had attempted to kill him and leave him in space. Even though Megatron seemed to trust him now, Soundwave was still highly suspicious of the seekers loyalty.

But if he went in after their leader, there was no telling what Starscream would do. The communication specialist had been successful in keeping the con in check. But he would become highly unpredictable with him gone. The portal started to close. The con clenched his fists as he made a quick, and possibly rash, discussion. He walked towards the portal.

"Soundwave! As your commanding officer, I order you to fall back!" Starscream shouted. The con froze and looked over his shoulder. They waited for him to say something, but instead he continued forward.

"I don't think he's going to listen to you." Knockout mumbled as he smirked.

Starscream growled angrily and walked after the con. Once Soundwave disappeared, the portal vanished. The seeker stared at the now empty space, optics wide.

"Oh scrap! What will Megatron say when he finds out?" Starscream said as he took a few steps back.

"What Megatron doesn't know won't hurt him." Knockout said still smirking. The seeker whipped around and glared back at him.

"He always finds out." He grumbled.

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