Chapter 30: Ambushed

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A thick fog covered the city, it was deathly quiet as the area had been evacuated hours earlier. An explosion had drawn the Autobots to a certain section. They found themselves back at the rubble where their battle had taken place. The streets were eerily quiet and it was hard to see with the fog. They stopped in an intersection and listened intently. They heard something hit the street ahead but they couldn't see. Bumblebee looked at his leader and chirped quietly. Optimus nodded once and watched him cautiously walk ahead of them.

"What's he doing?" Bee asked quietly.

"Scouting." Prowl responded as he watched the bot disappear into the fog. The others pulled out their weapons as they waited to hear from the scout.

A few minutes went by and the ground shook as something landed in the street the young bot disappeared down. They heard heavy ped steps walking towards them. Three more pairs of ped steps echoed around them. A moment later Lugnut emerged from the fog, the other cons came down the other three streets. They were trapped. Optimus narrowed his optics and commed the scout as the cons advanced.

"Bumblebee! Fall back!" He called as the Decepticons opened fire.


The young scout didn't know how far he had wandered before he felt the ground shake a little. He stopped and stood perfectly still. Bumblebee looked over his shoulder plate where he had left the others and the ground in front of him shook a little. He faced forward and pulled out his cannons. He stared into the fog as he heard ped steps approaching. A shape appeared before him and his optics narrowed as he focused on it. His com suddenly went off.

"Bumblebee! Fall back!" He heard Optimus say as gun fire broke loose. His team was in trouble. He looked back at the shape and his optics widened. Megatron walked out of the fog and smiled wickedly.

"This proved to work out better than I expected." He smirked as he walked forward. Bumblebee glared at the con and took a step back. He glanced over his shoulder back to where he had left the team.

"Don't worry." Bumblebee faced Megatron again and watched as he unsheathed his blade. "Optimus will come running once he hears you scream." He smiled wickedly. The scout glared at him and opened fire.


Optimus swung the Star Saber at Lugnut and the cons optic widened as an energy beam hit him. He grunted as it knocked him down and the other two cons stared in surprise, the exception being Soundwave.

"Wow....that's cool." Bee said as he and the others stared.

"Autobots attack!!" Boss bot yelled as he snapped them out of it.

The bots fought furiously as the cons fired on them. Optimus looked towards the street Bumblebee had disappeared down and then glanced at his counterpart. Boss bot nodded once before hitting Starscream with his ax. Optimus swung the Star Saber at Lugnut again and knocked him over. He ran down the street and heard the scout cry out. Optimus narrowed his optics and ran faster as his mind raced.


Boss bot fought Blitzwing as Bee and Arcee fought Starscream. Bulkhead fought Lugnut, the con was still slightly dazed from getting hit by the Star Saber twice. The Prime swung his ax at Blitzwing and hit him in the helm. He dodged as fire was shot at him and he kicked the con in the side.

"You will pay for that Autobot scum!" Blitzwing yelled as his face spun to red.

He punched the Prime hard and shot him as he pinned him down. The con laughed hysterically as his face spun to black. Bulkhead hit Blitzwing as hard as he could with his mace and the con flew into a building. The green bot helped his leader up and continued fighting.

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