Chapter 11: Cornered

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Optimus sighed heavily as he waited for the Professor to come down. He watched as the medic looked at the robotic receptionist. He heard the older bot grumble something under his breath, but didn't catch it. He felt something was wrong and knew only one bot that could get up there fast enough.

"Bee." The Prime said as he hit his com.

"Ya Boss bot?" Came the reply.

"I need you to get over here as fast as you can." He said. "We can't get upstairs and the Professor isn't coming down." He muttered.

"On my way!" BB shouted.

Optimus looked back at the medic who stared at him. The leader opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by an explosion outside. The building shook and a little yellow car zoomed into the building. Bee transformed into his robot mode and his optics widened.

"What happened?" Optimus asked him.

"Some jet shot at me!" He yelled as he looked back outside. Rachet ran to the door and looked up into the sky. He saw a purple jet flying around as it shot at the doctor and Sari. The girl screamed and the doctor picked her up. He ran into the building for cover.

"Starscream!" Doc bot yelled as the con fired at the tower. They moved away from the glass as it shattered.

"Bulkhead, Prowl! We're under attack!" Optimus said as he called them.

"We're coming to you now. We'll draw his fire so you can get out of there." Prowl responded.

"There's a parking garage not to far from you that will provide better cover." Arcee said over the com.

The elevator dinged and Professor Sumdac stumbled out. Sari ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"What is going on?" He asked slightly dazed. Another shot flew into the lobby and blew up the far wall

"The Decepticons are attacking again." Optimus said. "We have to get you two out of here." He picked up the humans and walked to the door. The others followed to provide cover. They saw the others outside shooting at the con to keep him back. Optimus ran out into the open towards their new cover.

"Wait!" The little yellow bot stopped half way and looked back at the tower. He narrowed his optics and ran back.

"Kid! What are you doing?!" Doc bot yelled after him. Optimus stopped and turned around optics wide as he watched the little bot run.

"Bee! Get back here!" He shouted.

"We forgot the whole reason we came down here!" The little bot called back.

The leader was about to answer when the ground beside them blew up. They looked up and saw a green and purple jet firing at them. They ran for the parking garage and barely avoided another missile.

"Bee get back here! That's an order!" Optimus yelled into the com. The little bot didn't respond.

Arcee and Prowl ran towards them to fight off the new threat as Starscream flew away. The femme jumped up and shot at the jet as it swooped down to fire again. Prowl landed on top of the jet and sliced at it with his weapons. The con yelled and waved his wings to shake the bot off. Prowl lost his grip and hit the sidewalk below. Arcee landed across the street, her back against a wall. The con fired at her. The femmes optics widened and she jumped up out of the way as the missile collided with the building. There was a tremendous boom and the building collapsed to the ground.

Arcee groaned as the dust cleared. She cried out as she tried to move but the building had crushed her. The femme looked around wildly for help. She saw Prowl slowly get up as he rubbed his helm. She tried to move again but couldn't. Another building exploded nearby.

"Prowl! Help!" She yelled as he shielded himself from falling ruble.

He looked in her direction and ran over as he avoided another shot. He took in the situation and touched his helm as he let the others know where they were. Bumblebee and Bulkhead came running over. They dodged as ruble fell to the street.

"Beee whiiirl!" The scout beeped.

"Help me get this off her." Prowl said as he moved the rubble. They ducked as more shots were fired at them.

"Wiiiirrr vroooo!!" The scout beeped angrily and he started shooting at the con. Bulkhead quickly moved the rubble and Prowl pulled her out. Her legs were pretty damaged and she inhaled sharply as she tried to stand. Blitzwing swooped down and shot at them.

"BEEEE VROOO WIIIIRRR!!!" Bumblebee chirped angrily.

Bulkhead had no idea what he was saying but figured he should try to give them cover. He started throwing rubble at the cons. The scout quickly ran over and picked up Arcee. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he ran. Prowl and Bulkhead quickly followed as they tried to keep the cons back.

"Bumblebee.... I can't feel my peds." Arcee whispered into his audio receptor. He narrowed his optics and kept running. He jumped and dodged as the cons fired at them, and he held on to her tightly.

Once they made it to the parking garage, the scout carefully set her down out of harm's way. Rachet ran over and examined the damage. Sparks were flying from the cut and damaged cables. The plating was dented or torn, and energon was leaking on to the cement.

"She was standing to close to the explosion." Prowl muttered as he watched. Another explosion shook the building. Bumblebee kept an arm around the femme to help support her. Arcee kept her arm around his shoulder and gripped his plate as the medic examined the injury.

"The damage is to serve to try and just fix." Rachet mumbled. "But I can do my best until we get back." Arcee closed her optics and nodded slowly.

"Bee is still out there!" Sari yelled as she looked at the Prime. More explosions filled their audio receptors as the cons tried to bring them out of hiding.

"We need a plan!" Doc bot yelled as more shots were fired and another building collapsed.

They heard an unusual jet engine fly over head, and the shots ceased. The scout looked up at the others then back at Rachet. The medic narrowed his optics and looked to the street. Bumblebee carefully set Arcee down and ran to the entrance. The scout looked down the street towards the tower, broken buildings and other rubble covered the street. He looked up and saw four jets fly above the tower. His optics narrowed and he clenched his servos as he recognized one before it transformed.

"Beee vroo." He beeped angrily.

"What did he say?" Sari asked, she could hear the hatred in his voice.

"Megatron...." Prowl said simply as he watched the silver jet transform.

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