Chapter 5: Intruders

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Bumblebee hit the ground hard. Arcee and Rachet grunted as they landed nearby. The scout lay on the grass and panted heavily. He winced as he felt the pain again, and he looked at his servos that were still over his spark. He slowly lifted his digits, afraid that the boy had been harmed.

Rachet groaned and rubbed his helm as he sat up. He looked over at the scout and gasped. The medic stumbled to his feet and knelt next to the young bot. He glanced at the cut and quickly transformed his servo. The medic started to patch the young scout up temporarily until he could examine the wound further, and with better equipment. Arcee got up and transformed her servos into guns. She held them out and covered the two mechs from anything that might harm them.

The scout beeped weakly, and Rachet looked into his optics for a moment. The young bot silently pleaded, and the medic gently lifted his energon stained digits. He sighed with relief when he saw the boy was unharmed.

"He's alright Bumblebee." Rachet reassured him. The scout sighed softly, rested his helm against the grass, and closed his optics.

"Oh no you don't. Stay online just a little longer." The medic mumbled as he continued to work on him.

Prowl was about to throw the star when the bots landed. He stopped when he realized the one was injured. Curious he watched from the tree as the medic rushed to help the other bot. He watched as the femme jumped up and covered them as the medic worked.

"Fascinating." Prowl muttered. "They work together, as if they're more than a team." He watched for a moment and his optics widened when he saw the Autobot insignia on the medics chest plate.

"We're to exposed out here!" The femme hissed at the medic.

"I can't move him right now! He's lost too much energon already." The medic snapped. Prowl figured he should try to help. He put his weapons away and jumped from the tree. The femme stepped between him and her team.

"We've got company." She growled as she aimed her cannons at the new threat.

"Wait! I'm an Autobot as well." Prowl said as he held his servos up defensively. The femme lowered her cannons slightly as she saw the insignia on his chest plate. The medic looked up for a second as she raised her cannons again.

"Not buying it. Probably a new Decepticon trick." The femme hissed angrily. The medic glanced back up and looked at them.

"Arcee he might actually be on our side." He grumbled as he looked back down at his work. The femme was about to answer when the sound of sirens filled their audio receptors.

"Not now!" He thought as he looked over his shoulder, servos still up. His team transformed a few feet behind him. Their optics widened when they saw their teammate being held at gun point. They pulled out their weapons and aimed at the femme.

"Stand down!" Optimus yelled at her.

"No wait!" Prowl tried to interject.

The leader saw the two mechs behind the bot and noticed their insignias. The medic stood up without taking his optics off the new comers.

"Don't move!" Optimus yelled at him. The leader was confused by their actions. If they were on his side, why were they so defensive? The medic glared and put his servos up. The femme aimed at the Prime, which made everyone else aim at her.

"Guys stop!" Prowl said as he tried to keep them from harming each other.

"Back off!" The femme yelled as the others tried to advance, she shot at the ground to keep them back. She had to protect her friends.

"WOW!!!" The smallest bot yelled as he jumped back.

"Autobots-" Optimus yelled.

"STOP!!" Prowl shouted as he stood between them. He put his servos out, one facing his team the other facing the femme. They glared at each other as the bot stayed between them. "Just listen for a moment!" He yelled feeling a little frustrated.

"My team is simply trying to protect the city from any potential threats." Prowl said as he looked at the femme, he turned to the others. "Arcee in turn is protecting her team." He said as he narrowed his optics.

" do you know my name?" Arcee asked slowly lowering her cannons.

"Your medic mentioned it as you held me at gun point." Prowl stated. The femme shot a look at the medic who shrugged. She sighed heavily and lowered her cannons. The others put down their weapons but prepared to strike if necessary.

"Now that we aren't going to kill each other. I need to get some energon into our scout." Rachet snapped as he bent down to help the bot up.

"Uh....yes of course follow us." Optimus said as he lead the way back to base. He still wasn't sure what to think about the intruders. Or if they could be trusted. But the one did need some medical attention.

"Where is-" Prowl began.

"We left her at the base. I figured it would be to dangerous for her." Optimus muttered still looking at the intruders.

Arcee walked over to help the medic and was surprised to see Raf. The boy was awake again and he rubbed his head groggily. She carefully picked him up and set him on the ground. She helped Bumblebee up and he set an arm around Rachets shoulder plate. The medic allowed the scout to use him as a crutch. Bumblebee stumbled a little and beeped quietly as he apologized.

Prowl rushed over and put the scouts free arm over his shoulder plates. Bee chirped softly as he thanked him, and the other bot smiled slightly. Rachet glanced over at him and gave him a blank look, as if he was trying to figure him out. Arcee and Raf followed close behind. As they approached the police barricade, Rachet and Arcee stopped dead in their tracks.

"Civilians." She muttered. The medic nodded once and Raf looked up at them with concern. The smallest bot turned around and looked at them.

"Hey what gives?" He asked as he folded his servos.

"Well in case you haven't noticed, there are civilians outside this park." Arcee responded as she put a servo on her hip.

"That won't be a problem." Optimus said sternly. "They know we're robots from a different planet." He started walking again.

"Y-y-you-" Rachet stuttered as he gapped at them and shook his helm in disbelief. "They what?!" He said.

"We'll explain later." Prowl whispered. Arcee and Rachet exchanged a look before continuing forward.


A small uncharted island sat in the middle of Lake Eire. On the shores lay a Cybertronian warlord. Megatron opened his optics and pushed himself off the sand. He looked around for a moment before standing up. The relic was nowhere to be seen. A low angry growl escaped him as he scanned the nearby brush for the relic. When he couldn't find it he turned around and looked across the lake. A wicked smile spread across his face plate as he saw the city in the distance.

"If I'm going to be stuck here. I might as well conquer this place and add to my victory." He growled. He smiled wickedly as he realized nobody could stop him. Not even Optimus Prime.

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