Chapter 15: Not Alone

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Optimus Prime activated his face mask as he narrowed his optics. He flexed his servos and tightened his grip on the Star Saber. He glanced at Smokescreen and Bulkhead who stood just behind him. Staring back into the sky he saw the Nemesis as it approached. His optics narrowed.

Agent Fowler had told them that the Decepticons had flattened a military base and were last seen flying towards Jasper. The Agent had evacuated the town and a few neighboring ones. He wasn't sure where the cons would go and he was worried they might destroy a town. The Agent said he had no idea what the cons were doing. But Optimus had a feeling he knew.

The Autobot leader feared that with Megatron gone, Starscream would try to single handedly destroy them. He figured the unpredictable con had destroyed the base to draw them out into the open. He feared that they were now headed to a town to flatten it if they couldn't draw his team out.

"Man....I really wish Bumblebee and Arcee were here." Smokescreen said as he activated his guns. The Nemesis drew closer and the team prepared to attack.

"Though our numbers may be few, we have faced greater odds before. Rest assured-" Optimus was interrupted by the sound of a portal opening.

The team turned to look at the swirling green portal. Miko walked through wearing the Apex Armor. She smirked and the portal closed after she stepped through.

"Miko..." Bulkhead said warningly.

"Don't even start." She said as she walked over to them. "You guys are short some man power, so I figured you would need some back up." She said as she punched her fist.

The Autobot leader was about to protest when bullets started raining down on them. The bots turned and fired rapidly at the cons as they flew down towards them. Some cons landed around them and slowly advanced.

"Miko! Fall back!" Optimus shouted as he swung his saber towards the Nemisis.

A beam ejected from the weapon and flew into the air. It cut through some of the on coming drones. The leader heard something crash behind him, looking over his shoulder he saw Miko punch a vehicon down that snuck up behind him. She smirked and ran into the battle after the others.

Optimus smiled slightly under his face mask. Though he would never admit it, he was grateful for the young girls help. He didn't need to encourage her into battle.


Starscream paced the catwalk nervously as he muttered to himself. Knockout folded his arms and leaned against the console. He rolled his optics as the seeker continued to fidget.

"We're already attacking the Autobots." The con said as he gestured to the screen. "Megatron will be pleased to see them crushed to dust." He said as he clenched a servo and smirked.

"What? Oh yes yes." Starscream mumbled as he thought. "Why would Soundwave walk into a random unknown portal?" He wondered. Knockout rolled his optics again and sighed in exasperation.

"Are you seriously still worried about that?" He complained.

"Shut up!" Starscream said as he swiped at him with his claws.

"You worry too much." Knockout mumbled as he ducked.

"You don't understand!" The seeker complained as he paced the room while gripping his helm. "Soundwave has been working with Megatron since...... forever!" The seeker threw his servos in the air angrily. The doctor chuckled.

"Soundwave knows more about what he's doing than you do." He mocked. Starscream stopped and glared at him. The ship rocked to one side and groaned.

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