Chapter 7: Accomplice

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A half hour later they brought the girl up to speed. Raf had gone off to check on his guardian, while Arcee spoke with Prowl.

"Soooo.....are all medics grumpy and named 'Rachet'?" The girl asked as she spoke with the others.

"Weren't you listening?" Bulkhead asked kindly. "Those three are from a different dimension." He said.

"Oookay.... Ya...." She muttered. "I wonder what I would be like in a different dimension." She wondered.

"How long do you think they're going to be here?" Bulkhead asked quietly.

"I don't know.... Maybe forever?" Bee said. His friend sighed heavily.

"It's going to be really confusing then..." He complained.


Raf sat on Bumblebees shoulder plate while Rachet examined the scout, and made sure his vitals were correct. The boy explained everything to him since they had arrived at the base.

"Beee whiiirr." The scout chirped.

"No....we haven't been able to contact anyone." The medic grumbled as he finished.

"But don't worry! Rachet and I will work on it, and we'll contact the others in no time!" Raf said cheerfully. The medic chuckled softly, he found the boys eagerness to help slightly amusing. Bumblebee started to fidget.

"Alright, alright." He mumbled as he stepped back. The scout stood up and walked to the door. "Just take it easy!" He snapped as they left the room. The medic sighed and thought about how he could contact Optimus Prime.


Sari looked up when she heard the door open and the sound of peds on the cement floor. She smiled big and poked her friend in the helm as she sat on his shoulder plate.

"Hey he has doors on his back that look like wings." She said to the little bot.

Bee turned around and smiled. He jumped off the couch, ran up to his counterpart, and stopped a few feet in front of him. The little yellow bot stared up at the taller one in admiration. The scout looked down at him slightly perplexed by the situation. They stood there for a few minutes as they stared at each other.

"I'm Sari." The girl said as she smiled.

"About what?" Raf asked slightly confused. The girl giggled.

"Sari not sorry." She said, Raf furrowed his brow. "It's my name." She muttered.

"Oh! I'm Rafael, or Raf for short." The boy said nervously. The two kids looked at the bots they were sitting on. They remained quiet as they stared at each other.

"Well...Say something." The little girl said as she elbowed him in the helm.

"Oh....ya." The little bot muttered as he looked up at his counterpart.

"Ahem..." He cleared his throat and stood up taller. "So uh.....are you pretty fast?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his helm nervously. The little girl face palmed.

They watched as the taller bots optics grew wide, then he started making odd noises. The little bot looked at the girl with confusion. The other bot continued to make the weird noises, but stopped mid beep as his counterpart gave him a confused look. The girl stared at him blankly. The scout looked around to see everyone else giving him a perplexed look. He made a long drawn out noise, slumped his shoulders and hung his helm.

"What was all that?" Bulkhead asked, none of them were used to the scouts way of communicating.

"Oh.....sorry...that's how Bumblebee talks." Raf said as he gently patted his guardians helm.

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