Chapter 36: Aftermath

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Arcee looked around and suddenly remembered what Megatron had said as he taunted her.

"You'll meet the same fate the pathetic scout did!" Her optics widened as she scanned the area. They had been so busy trying to stop the con and the monster that they hadn't been able to search for him. She looked to the others.

"Where's Bumblebee!?" She all but screamed. They looked around frantically unsure where to even start looking for him.

"I haven't seen him since he left to go scouting." Bulkhead mumbled as he thought.

The air was quiet for a moment and they heard heavy ped steps. They turned towards the sound and saw Optimus stagger towards some rubble. He fell to his knee plates and started pulling away parts of the fallen building. The others ran over to his side. Rachet and Optimus tore at the rubble as they desperately tried to find the scout. They pulled at the fallen debris and tossed it aside. Arcee and the others were tearing away at another pile as they searched for him.

"Over here!" The medic called as he uncovered the bots servo. Optimus moved to his side and continued to dig.

"Hold on Bumblebee." He muttered as they pushed more rubble aside. They managed to uncover the bots chest plate and helm. They stopped for a moment and looked at each other with concern. The scout was pretty banged up and his optics were off.

"Bumblebee..." Optimus said as he gently laid a servo on the bots helm. He pleaded with his optics for the bot to wake up. A few minutes passed and the scouts optics flickered. He looked at them for a moment as he focused, then smiled slightly. He beeped weakly and the medic chuckled.

"Yes we're just fine." Rachet muttered. He beeped again and worry crossed his face plate.

"No, we sent Megatron and Soundwave back to our world." Optimus said simply.

The scout smiled a little and weakly raised his servo. Optimus clasped it with his own. The young bot sighed in relief and rested his helm on the rubble. Bumblebee glanced at his leader and noticed the wound on his chest plate. A look of concern crossed his face plate and he chirped quietly.

"I'll be fine." Optimus said simply.

"Not if we don't get you back to the base." Rachet grumbled as he moved more rubble.

Optimus looked at the scouts leg and narrowed his optics. Bumblebee glanced at it and made a distressed noise. His leg was twisted at the knee plate in an odd angle and looked as though only a few cables held it together. A few of the plates were dented and twisted as well. Rachet hesitantly touched it and frowned. The scout winced and rested his helm on the rubble as he rubbed his face plate in frustration.

"How the scrap did you do that?" Arcee asked as she looked at the mangled leg. He beeped weakly and covered his face plate with his servos.

"That no good-"

"Wow there!" Bee said as he covered Saris ears. "Watch your language. We have innocent children present." He said in a matter of fact tone. The girl rolled her eyes and folded her arms. Arcee just grumbled angrily in Cybertronian under her breath.

"Can either of you fix it?" Prowl asked the doctor and medic. They looked at each other hesitantly then back at the scout.

"We won't be able to officially know until we get back and complete some scans." Doc bot grumbled. The medic simply nodded, afraid to say anything.

"We will have to straighten it and splint it before we can move him." The doctor mumbled.

Rachet nodded slowly and carefully set his servos on the twisted leg. He looked at the young bot sadly, not wanting to cause him anymore pain. Bumblebee gripped his leaders servo tightly and nodded his helm as he closed his optics. Rachet sighed and winced a little as he quickly straightened the leg. They heard a snap and metal grind as it went straight. Bumblebees frame stiffened and he cried out in his broken voice.

Optimus held the scouts servo with both of his. He wasn't sure how to help the young bot and it made him angry to see what Megatron had done.

Rachet quickly made a crude splint out of the rubble, so the bot could make it back to base without causing more damage to his leg. Bumblebees grip loosened and he squeezed his optics shut as tears leaked out. When he was able, Arcee helped the injured bot sit up. Optimus draped one of the scouts arms over his shoulder plates and helped him stand. The taller mech swayed a little and Prowl quickly supported the scouts other side.

"Let us help you." The ninja said knowing the bigger mech wasn't in the best shape himself.

Optimus simply nodded and allowed his counterpart to take his place. Bumblebee whimpered quietly as his leg drug along the ground, he wasn't able to lift it. The Prime smiled sadly and they carefully helped the scout back to the base.

Optimus slowly followed after them, he was suddenly hit with a wave of exhaustion. He did his best to ignore it, but was struggling to lift his peds. The mech groaned a little and swayed as his injury caught up with him. He started to fall and leaned into a building. Optimus closed his optics and grunted weakly as he rested his helm against the wall. His knees gave out and someone caught him before he fell.

"Here let me help." He looked over at Bulkhead as he grabbed his arm and set it over his shoulder plate. Optimus smiled slightly, slowly stood up, and followed him back to base.

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