Chapter 38: Hesitation

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The room was quiet as they waited. The doctor had left to try and find something to replace the mangled leg. Ratchet sat by the berth as he tried to think of another solution. His optics started to close as his systems began to shut down. He tried to fight it as he focused on the task at hand, but no longer had the strength to do so. He felt a servo rest on his shoulder plate, he tried to raise his helm to address the bot but couldn't.

"Ratchet old friend." Optimus said. The medic didn't respond. The taller mech carefully helped him stand and led him out of the room. "You need to recharge before you can't function anymore." He said sternly. Though he wondered if it was too late for that, as he practically dragged him.

"Bumblebee....." Ratchet muttered weakly. He wanted to go back and tend to the young bot. He had to fix him.

"I will look after him and inform you if anything changes." The leader said. He helped his friend into one of the spare berth rooms, and carefully helped him sit.

"I'm...... fine...." the medic mumbled weakly. Optimus gave him a blank look as he tried to get up. The taller bot set a servo on his shoulder plate.

"This isn't a suggestion." He said seriously. Ratchet sat there for a moment as his systems forcefully started to shut down. Optimus caught him as he started to fall and carefully laid him down. The medic mumbled something before finally going into recharge. The taller mech sighed with relief and quietly left the room.

He walked back to the medical room and stopped by the door. He stared at the scout for a moment and hung his helm. Optimus rubbed his face plate tiredly as he thought about what to do. Ratchet was running himself into the ground trying to fix the young bot, out of guilt or something else he wasn't sure.

He knew Bumblebee would probably adapt to a makeshift leg if he had to. But it would tear Ratchet up inside for not being able to do better. Optimus sighed quietly and walked to the main room. He only saw his counterpart talking to the doctor and the humans. The others had gone to repair what they could in the city. They looked up when he entered and the two bots walked over to speak with him.

Raf watched quietly, he knew something was wrong by the way they spoke quietly. He also knew because Bumblebee had been in there too long, and Ratchet still had Saris key. He stared at the floor for a moment then glanced back at the girl.

Ratchet had told them there was a way to communicate with the others by using the relic. He also said they could make the portal act more like a ground bridge, instead of a storm. He didn't think Optimus and Bumblebee could survive the trip back. He told them what he knew and Raf said he would work on it. Professor Sundac pitched in as Sari watched.

Raf typed a little then looked back up at the bots. He realized Optimus was watching him, but the boy couldn't read his expression. He stared into the leaders optics for a moment, and smiled slightly before going back to work. The Autobots disappeared back into the medical room.

"Man what's their deal?" Sari asked as she sat by him. The boy looked up at her for a moment.

"I overheard them talking....." he said quietly and looked down as he straightened his glasses. "They can't fix Bumblebee... even with the key." He muttered. She looked at him for a minute, then thought about her Bee.

"I'm sure they'll figure something out." She said trying to cheer him up, and he shook his head.

"They said Megatron damaged his leg in a way they can't fix it. They'll have to cut it off...." he said as he glared and clenched his fists. Sari frowned as she listened but didn't say anything.

"Sometimes I wish I could fight Megatron." He said angrily as he looked at her. "Especially when he hurts the bots." He sighed forcefully and looked back at the relic. The room was quiet for a few minutes.

"Perhaps I can help the Autobots." They looked to the Professor as he stood by them.

"How?" Sari asked as Raf straightened his glasses again. The man looked at one of the computer screens as he scratched his chin.

"It's something I've been working on for awhile." He muttered. "I'll be back." He got down from the computer and walked towards one of the rooms.


Bumblebee looked around as he started to wake up. He laid there for a moment as his systems kicked in. His optics focused and he turned his helm slightly to see Optimus and Ratchet sitting by him. He couldn't read their expressions and he furrowed his ridges. He suddenly stiffened as pain shot through him and he faced the ceiling.

"Hold on kid." He heard Doc bot mutter. "You woke up before I could give you something to stop the pain." He felt something go into his system, and he relaxed a moment later. He panted quietly and looked at them with confusion.

"Whiiiirrrr beeee wooo wiiiirrrrrr?" He warbled tiredly. They didn't respond and Ratchet looked down at his servos.

"Brreee?" He asked with concern. He looked at Optimus for an answer. The leader stood up and gently set a servo on his shoulder plate.

"They did everything they could." He said quietly. Bumblebee tried to sit up and Optimus gently helped him. The scout looked at his leg and could see where they had worked on it. He hesitantly touched the plating.

"Wiiir..." he beeped quietly. Doc bot walked back over and looked at them.

"You haven't told him?" He asked. The scout gave him a confused look and shook his helm before glancing at his leader. The room was quiet and Optimus gripped the young bots shoulder as he hung his helm.

"They did everything they could." He repeated. He sighed forcefully and closed his optics. "They can't fix it because of the damage." He said quietly. Bumblebee looked down at his servos and nodded slowly as tears filled his optics. He understood what they had to do.

Ratchet watched him for a moment before getting up and walking out of the room. It bothered the young bot that he hadn't said anything. Optimus gently set his servo on top of the scouts helm before following the medic.

Bumblebee just stared at his servos as he fought back the tears. He sat there for a moment as he thought about what they told him. Bumblebee clenched his servos tightly, and furrowed his ridges. He could do this.

"Ratchet." Optimus said as he followed him down the hall. The medic stopped, and slumped his shoulder plates as he hung his helm. His friend set a servo on his shoulder plate, and they were quiet for a minute.

"I can't do it Optimus. I won't." He muttered as he stared at the floor.

"I don't expect you to old friend." The leader said sadly. The medic looked at him as tears filled his optics.

"There has to be another way." He mumbled. "I won't let the surgery take place." They heard footsteps and looked behind them to see the Professor.

"Perhaps I can help." The man said as he looked at them.

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